Thank you to all that participated.  You did a beautiful job and I know you  have motivated others to do

the same! 

Thank you, to Sophia, for the great food that she made for Joseph and I.  She took beautiful pictures and helped make a video. If you would like to watch her video, click on the link below:

First, I want to thank Laz for such a beautiful job on his blog post, of eating green food. His was on a different day.  I think he did this to motivate people to take the green food day challenge on, March 17th 2012 because if you know Laz he eats this way everyday.  If you do not know Laz, he is a 16 year young, who eats incredibly healthy..  Here is an example of what he eats on a daily basis.  I would like to mention that his brother Max eats incredibly too and he bakes homemade bread.  Max is 14 years young.

Before working out and running this morning I had a glass of water with kelp. Then some green tea whilst making breakfast.

Breakfast was Organic eggs with local organic kale, kohlrabi, leeks, cilantro, raw onions and some salsa.After eating I had a little bit of apple cider vinegar, then a few minutes down the road, some oat milk with hemp protein powder... and a pinch of cocoa powder.

After a couple hours, made a salad containing the following: Raw onions (i love onions!), garlic, organic local mustard greens, beets, turnips, swiss chard, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Apple, and mushrooms.Then for lunch/food for classes, I made Kamut with chard, kohlrabi greens (don't waste food), ginger and onions.Okay, Dinner! Made homemade organic spinach tortillas with cilantro, spinach, avocado, organic cheese, pinto beans, salsa and an Organic Raw Multi-Green Kombucha!

That was my food for January 17th, 2012. How did you fuel you bodies today?!? Everything you see was organic... now it's in my tummy. Be Kung Fu in EVERYTHING!

I also want to thank Victoria for taking the challenge on , her morning started beautiful.  If you need ideas for a morning meal Check out Victoria's morning breakfast: 

Besides organic coffee and organic half and half, I am having some kombucha with cranberry juice. Then I sautéed some homegrown shallot and homegrown garlic and organic ginger in organic butter. Added some cumin and coriander which were ground. Added some homegrown spinach and wilted that. Added seasalt and some cooked blackeyed peas from last night (dinner was blackeyed peas and collards from the garden), also organic. Sprinkled on some hempseed, ground flaxseed, and a pinch of pollen. Pictures later, when I download from phone. Right now I want to eat!

Then we had Joe and Sue's green food day post.  They had a life challenge to work though, to eat super green  food all day while they had a day trip.  All of us know that when traveling, in order to eat good you need to prepare a head of time.  Check out their day.  Again, if you need help with eating healthy while you have a day trip there are some great ideas in their blog post.  

Started out with a cup of Organic coffee. Breakfast was Rice noodles with kale, eggs, pesto and pumpkin seeds.Challenge for us today, we were spending all day at the zoo for  grandson's birthday, so we made some turkey wraps in organic flour tortillas with green hummus and spinach to take with us. Mid way we had a "ReBar", organic fruit & vegie bar containing 8 servings of fruits & vegies. After the zoo we went to Voodoo Donuts for "cake". You can't believe the line of people waiting to get in that place. It took about 20 minutes to get into the building. The amazing array of facinating donuts to choose from! People really had a hard time choosing between deep fried fritters, donuts covered in various colored frosting then topped with sugar laden cereals like Captain Crunch or Cocoa Puffs and even bacon, I guess that's the complete breakfast donut. Jelly or cream filled to choose from also of course. It was definately not difficult for Joe & I to resist. When we got home, Yummy homemade pizza! with spinach, homemade pesto, mushrooms, & Organic Valley cheese.

Cathe had a lot of fun all day posting pics and making food.  I loved watching her post's on Facebook.  What was great about her post's is that her friends were seeing what she was eating.  One can only hope that they would find interest in challenging themselves on a daily basis to eat for green healthy food.  She had some great ideas and came up with some great conclusions.  Here is one of her post's on Facebook, I love the humor she puts into her day: 

Still too full for snack yet and its almost movie time! Tonights snack will be a smoothie and its movie night! I think it will be a very green one. Will post ingredients. I still have enough vegies for two more days! With planning, eating green is very affordable, and with extra thrift, eating Organic is doable! Stay tuned it ain't over till the fluffy lady drinks her smoothie! (I still have 30 pounds of fluff to remove_

Here is Cathe's day:

Prebreakfast  Green Coffee  (half coffee and half stinging nettle tea)

Breakfast       Green and raw Oatmeal (raw zuchini and raw sweet potato in oats)

Snack           Green and Raw Angled Eggs  ( ground raw asparagus tips ground raw red onions)

Main meal     Green Spagetti  (Mango and red bell pepper sauce with grated steamed cabbage)

Snack           Green and Raw Smoothie ( contained RAW spinach liquid) 

Super Green Organic Oatmeal
1 icecream scoop of soaked, barely cooked oat meal
1 cup cup of grated raw zuchini
1/2 cup of grated raw sweet potatoe
fresh lemon juice and honey 
mix all together and eat! 
Ka Chin Super Green Eating Points

hmmmmm! I think I will do organic deviled eggs for my 11:00 snack! I am going to add another personal challenge to my efforts here! All of my foods MUST be original recipes! Like the green coffee and the confetti oatmeal! Stay tuned for Cathes "Angled Eggs" ! They are sooo healthy that we can't give you know who the credit for them!


St Patties Day Angled Eggs 
blenderize cooked eggs with one tablespoon of red onion and two tablespoons of raw asparagus tips. add to blender mayo, mustard, tumeric and lemon juice to taste. Place in boiled egg whites. Enjoy.

TADA! These will help you find that blarney stone!

Apparently I did not add enough batter to this waffle iron, and while it is "thoroughly cooked" we will not be having this green snack tonight. Instead a green smoothie will substitute. Tomorrows post will be on, "How To Easily Clean A Really Messy Waffle Iron".

getting ready to blenderize, (ninja) the following:
1 whole red bell pepper
1 cup of mango
1 clove of garlic
2 tablespoons of oat flour
any spices you use for spagettie sauce

Mango Spagettie Sauce! NO CANS OF TOMATOES! And that means no food dye or BPAs! This sauce is orange. The "noodles" for me are lightly steamed cabbage. The kids had regular GF noodles. Hey it was hard enough to get them to try the weird "Mango Sauce". But in the end, all was declared Yummy!

saute onion and hamburger, dump in Ninjaed stuff. stir till thick, if too thick wisk in hot water. simmer to allow flavors to yumernize.

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If you would to see more of Cathes blog just clink on link below

It all looks great! I'm sorry I couldn't finish the challenge. I had some sort of stomach bug, and didn't eat anything else that day! Oh well, at least what I did eat was good.

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