At the end of class this Thursday evening, Mr. Bronson spoke of the many aspects of self defense. i.e. fueling the body; protecting one's emotional state; controlling one's mental state; all vitally important to defending the complete self.

"How times a day do you stab yourself?" This was the specific rhetorical and hopefully figurative question Mr. Bronson queried that caught my attention and made me realize my progress in practicing Kung Fu.

When I first came into the school, I had formed the bad habit of being way too critical of myself. It started out years ago based on the lofty principal that one should always be humble. So, I would always down play any accomplishments. It ended up taking a downward spiral into not allowing myself to pat myself on the back, and worse, being severely critical of any mistake I made. Over a period of years this self flagellation can hurt one's self esteem and one's self confidence. The spiral then picks up momentum as it forms a vicious circle of a self fulfilling prophecy: less self confidence leads to making more mistakes, leads to more self criticism, leads to less self confidence, leads to more mistakes............and I was off to the races.

It dawned on me tonight of my progress in practicing Kung Fu when I couldn't remember the last time I "stabbed myself.

The mental change started when I was a yellow belt and I confessed to Mr. Bronson that I was "frustrated" that I hadn't learned a particular stick drill as fast as I thought I should have. Mr. Bronson said to not look at learning from a negative don't be frustrated. Learning is a positive experience and I should look at it as a challenge and struggle with it, but don't be frustrated with it. A negative perspectiive inhibits growth.

Well, that made from that point forward I have tried to always approach things with a positive mindset.

Sure I still make mistakes, but I no longer hesitate to the same extent to do something or speak up about something for fear of making a mistake or looking foolish, and thereby providing the avenue beat myself down. This is progress and I will continue to struggle with it.......but with a positive approach.

Tonight I realized that through Kung Fu, in addition to physical self defense, I have also learned a greater level of mental and emotional self defense........this is good........I might even pat myself on the back.

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Comment by Joseph Bronson on December 10, 2010 at 4:39pm

It is always a pleasure to have students recognize, and relate to their own life, the lessons that are taught in class.

Thank you for your insights!


Yours in the arts,


Sifu Joseph Bronson

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