I would like to ask all of you a question, are you prepared if something ever happened? Do you have a 72 hour pack in your car? At least 3 days, which is bare minimum, of food, water and things you need at your home? If not, why not? Stop what you are doing right now. Follow these instructions, go get a container. I am sure you can find something in your house. Now put a can opener, food, snacks,bottle water,flashlight, first aid kit,blanket,hat,scarf, lighter, matches,gloves, etc. Just think about what you might need for an emergency kit for your car. Keep a camp stove in your trunk. Again stop what you are doing and go put it in your trunk. I find so many people look at emergency preparedness list's and put it off because it feels overwhelming. That is why I want you to put something small together and put it in your car tonight. My daughter and I have fun when we do this. WE love seeing how creative we can get. How about self-defense. What do you bring with you for that? I have pens, screwdrivers, pocket knife,mussel shell, etc. Again get creative. Do you have a meeting plan with your family? Rules of staying put. You should... Now promise you will get this done tonight...... And in the following weeks add to it each week. The car kit and the home preparedness.   I also would love to hear what you did and what ideas you came up with.  Share you experience to help others... But get something started tonight.  Stop putting it off.  Peace to all.

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Comment by Victoria Pich on April 30, 2012 at 8:24pm

I'll put some crackers and bananas, as well as cheese. In a pinch, have high calorie food. Say, I have an extra jar of peanut butter... And I'll take my warm coat tomorrow.  Must think about self defense. I could take a big heavy flashlight. hmmm.  As for home prepping, we are slowly collecting some small solar panels and batteries, enough to keep the essentials going (besides the generator) when the power is out. I put some 250 gals of water in a hiding place. Doing inventory of our pantry and freezer, thinking about what to can/cry/freeze this year, and what we don't want to do again (what do we never want to eat). Also started to get more medicinal plants in the ground and working on our soil (awful clay hardpan). stocking up on some items. When  local yarn shop went under, I stocked up hugely on yarn and equipment.  Also some items of clothing, and doing inventory of our clothes. Its to stockpile needed medications, also things like anti-diarrhea medicine as well as prescriptions. Working on finding a load of thyroxin! inadvertantly we have a storage of gasoline - we have two extra cars, both large, and if the tanks are full, there it is! As long as noone steals it...

Prepping should also include acquiring new skills too.  Much to do and think about!

Comment by Victoria Pich on April 30, 2012 at 8:11pm

I need to add some things tonight, before I spend the week in Portland.  Thanks for the reminder! My home prep is always better than my car prep, though once I did get stranded in a whiteout on Mt Shasta at midnight, and that time I was very well prepared. Now to put some food and water in the car, and a blanket...

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