Transition Nutrition

Where To Start


First you have to truly want to make changes ……


This is not a diet, it is about changing your life style habits through taking baby steps.  You are not going on a diet and then when you are done going off.


Once you are on the road to your new healthy life style, in my opinion, there is no stopping, there is only different routes and pathways.   .  If you are slowing down and yielding, then stay at that step longer to integrate that  new healthy habit into your life style. 


You are not counting calories and restricting them and then adding exercise.  You are going to change unhealthy habits by slowly transitioning them.   Some examples of transitions are:  You eat potato chips quite often, you transition to eating baked potatoes instead and at the same time you are adding just one more day of exercise.  Further transition of this would be to go from baked potato to heirloom potato, to sweet potato, to adding, nutrients like veggie toppings to that sweet potato or heirloom potato.   Through this transition you would have added one more day of exercise. 

Example:  Potato chips to baked potatoes, add one day of exercise…Then heirloom potato and one more day of exercise– Then sweet potato or heirloom potato topped with veggies and one more day of exercise. 


Ideas for potato topping:


Beginning Your Nutritional Journey—First Transition Steps

Transition time is one to two months per step


1. Take out fast food  and  frozen food.  You can allow yourself to eat out once a month at a restaurant that serves local fresh food and pasture raised meat and eggs.  No sugar, no sugary drinks and no fried food.

2. Remove all foods that have hydrogenated oil

3. Remove all foods that have artificial colors and flavors

4. Take a food allergy test:   Skip this step if you can not afford the test yet. I only recommend the Vega Testing.  It is very accurate.  For more information on vega testing:

5. Remove fruit juice. 

6. Remove canola oil and vegetable oil

7. Remove all soy, the only exception is fermented soy

8. Remove all items that have different forms of corn in them.  You can have organic corn on the cob, organic corn meal, organic sprouted corn tortillas.  That is it.  Here is the list of names that belong to over processed corn that you need to avoid.  I warn you this list is big… Stay calm and relax:

9. Food labels, if there are scientific words avoid that food  completely, always.

10. Remove all non-organic dairy

11. Limit dairy use to two times a week and go for raw when you can, like raw cheese

12. Remove white sugar, non-organic sugar and no corn syrup.   This is very important to do especially during fall, winter and spring.  Learn to make goodies with other sweeteners.  Like maple sugar, honey, fruit etc…

13. Remove all foods that have nitrates and nitrites


During your transition steps here your add ins:


1. Veggies, Veggies, Veggies…………..

2. Serving Sizes

3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

4. Get a water filter

5. Get outside,  out in nature daily…...Yes daily!   AND ...Add at least once a month one small nature hike. Sports do not count for getting outside.


Mindful Eating Practices  Seven Mindful Tips:


When you go to eat your snacks and meals turn the TV off, the computer off, and the cell phone off . 


1. Honor your food, where does it come from? 

2. Engage your senses, the taste, the beauty, the aroma, the touch, texture and sound .  What is on your mind, how many colors are in your meal

3. Mindful portions, use child size plates and stick to serving sizes

4. Chew your food it helps digestion.  Chew at least 20 times per bite

5. Eat slowly, enjoy your food

6. NO Skipping meals

7. Eat lots of green veggies, colorful veggies.  Focus, just try to eat veggies with every meal. 


Here’s the deal with transition nutrition:


You are working on changing unhealthy eating habits.  Some of these habits were formed many years ago and because of this you might have a hard time giving up certain things.  This is why transition nutrition will work.  First of all you are taking very small baby steps for change.  Second of all you are taking unhealthy habits and taking them to the next level of change.  This is what you are going to do, remember think transition not quit cold turkey.


Examples of transitioning unhealthy food habits:


Instead of cutting unhealthy habits out of your life,  you are going to make rules on allowing them.  Here are the rules.  There are NO breaking the rules!


Habits of sweetened coffee drinks—don’t buy them.  You have to learn to make them all the way homemade at home. 

Donuts—can’t buy them, you have to learn to make them from scratch at home.

French fries— can’t buy them, you have to cut them up and make them at home, use organic coconut oil or sunflower oil to cook them

Pizza—you can not buy it, frozen, cooked or pre-made, you have to make the dough from scratch, top with veggies , raw cheese and pasture raised meats

Cinnamon Rolls—you can’t buy them in any form, you have to make them, from scratch, learn to work yeast to make bread dough, season with spices, add fresh fruit

Soda—can not purchase, you can make fermented sodas, it is easy and healthy

Cookies—can not purchase from a bakery or from a box, you have to get the butter, the sweetener, the flour etc.  Eventually add organic dried fruits and nuts


Those food items above will be made into healthier versions, you start applying your mindful eating tips, more veggies, healthier versions of sweeteners, organic dried fruits and nuts  and your transition steps.  Because the rule is you have to make it homemade at home you end up eating those things less. 

Your world of food and your palate will be awakened as you get back in touch with what is truly real food. 

In time your body will rejuvenate, you will have less illnesses, less colds, flu's, strep  throat, stop diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and different forms of arthritis.  


Congratulations, you have now taken charge of your health you are learning the art of healthy cooking, of sneaky cooking by incorporating nutrient dense foods into every meal, this brings up the food values and gives you more zip,zest, and zingo in your life.  




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Comment by suzanne sanders on February 16, 2013 at 5:55pm

Topics of the first class that came up: 

Joel Salatin:

Joel Salatin

Vandana Shiva

Baked crispy kale recipe:

Brain power seasoning sprinkle

Cooking in cast iron pans adds iron to food.
- Eggs scrambled in an iron skillet or spaghetti sauce simmered in an iron pot can double or triple the iron content of a meal.

Lodge cast iron cookware:

Yellow Dock for iron deficiency: 

To quote from a wise woman, Susun Weed:

“Yellow dock (Rumex crispus) also offers an abundance of food and medicine. We add her leaves to salads, make a vinegar of her red seeds, and dig the root early in the spring or late in the fall to tincture. A dose of a dropperful of the tincture (or a teaspoon of a vinegar of the roots), taken two or three times a day, is one of the best ways to increase the amount of iron in the blood. Yellow dock tincture is considered to be the very best agent for helping those who need an aid to maintain regularity. Since it is not a laxative, it’s safe to use daily, if you wish.”

How to make yellow dock tincture:

Where to purchase yellow dock tincture:

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