Weekly Wellness Letter: Food, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

After reading the article "Ocean is Broken" I decided to put my two cents in. I am a canary, I observe, I watch, I listen and I smell. I sit with nature and watch everyday, I can tell you, that the birds, butterflies, the bees, dragonflies and the frogs, that, their numbers are way down. Even more this year. No scientist has to tell me this, I am an observer, I am intuitive, I see this with my own eyes. I have been telling people, about my concerns, of a "Silent Spring" for years, if we do not change. I also see millions of Human Ostriches, putting their heads in the sand or they turn a blind eye. 

This weeks Wellness Letter will be different subjects that are in the same category.  Recently an article was released about our  oceans.  The title of the article was, Ocean Is Broken, link below: 


This article was passed around by many people.  I was really surprised by the comments.  The reason I was surprised was the fact that it SURPRISED  people.    People really did not know that the ocean is broken?   I was beside myself and for the last few days I would ponder this subject in my head as I took my walks up the mountain in the morning.  I  asked myself the questions listed below, but I had no answer.  

Remember if our Ocean is broken, it means for most of you, that your bodies are broken. These environmental toxins  create disease in you and your children for many generations.  

The questions were this, Didn't people hear about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?  Plastic in birds bellies?  Plastic tangled in jelly fish? Plastic in marine life?  Didn't they hear about all the different oil spills, and all the toxic cancer causing chemicals they used to supposedly clean it up?  How about how the chemicals they use to put out forest fires?  Don't people know that chemical conventional agriculture puts poison in waterways?  I thought most people knew this, did they just stick their head in the sand?  Did they really think that our corrupt government would fix something that they allow?  

Do people think that all the consuming of things  that they do not need just magically disappear when they are done with them, when they break, etc.   These Walmart, big box stores are nothing more than I want factories that had sad humans in bad circumstances make for them  in countries that are so polluted, that people die daily of respiratory issues.  

10 years ago there was a dump site the size of Texas floating around in the ocean.  We now have more dump sites the size of Texas floating in the ocean.  I know most people heard these reports.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also described as the Pacific Trash Vortex, is a gyre of marine debris in the central North Pacific Ocean  The patch extends over an indeterminate area, with estimates ranging very widely depending on the degree of plastic concentration used to define the affected area.

The patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of pelagic plastics, chemical sludge and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre Despite its size and density, the patch is not visible from satellite photography, since it consists primarily of suspended particulates in the upper water column. Since plastics break down to even smaller polymers, concentrations of submerged particles are not visible from space, nor do they appear as a continuous debris field. Instead, the patch is defined as an area in which the mass of plastic debris in the upper water column is significantly higher than average.  Most people know about this. 

Link: http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/oceanography/g...

 Then there is the popular report for the last several years of birds having bellies full of plastic.  Most people know about this.


Then there was the many different oils spills.  Then there was the tons and tons of dispersant agents laid over the oceans. Again most people know about this and I can't tell you how many reports that I have read for the last few years about different sea animals washing ashore with repository issues, burns etc.. 


Then there is chemical agriculture, black death is what I call it, or the plague.  A slow kill of many many years of  accumulation, a toxic cocktail that eventually ends in the ocean.  I now this one, because I have been plagued with this black death cloud over me for years, with a combination of many other petroleum products.  

The other petroleum products.  The daily products that most people use on their bodies and in their house.  The same products pollute and yes eventually end up in the ocean. 

And now we have Fukushima... Our oceans were already broken, due to our lack of care and concern, before this tragic event.  How can the oceans recover?  

Bees are dying off and the ocean is broken, Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring is about to become a reality.  So, people were surprised at the fact that the "Ocean Is Broken"?.

 Are people willing to change yet?  Because none of the above toxic situations that I mentioned created enough change to stop the death of our ocean.  People just read their articles, post it, said it was sad, and no change happened.   We as a nation consume like locusts eating a farmers field to death.  Americans for the most part are locusts.  They are on a feeding frenzy, with no end in-site, until nature' throws it, in their face.  But by the time nature throw's this in the face of the people it will be to late.  Dead water means death to most.  No bees, no food, means death...



We have a lot of holidays coming up.  These holidays are toxic to the earth's land and oceans,  it's creatures big and micro-small, not to mention human bodies.  

The first holiday, (if you can call it that) is Halloween,  a very toxic holiday.  It is full of mega waste.  It can be very toxic to your body,  and very hard on the earth.  Think about it for a minute.  Just walk through the costume section, everything is made of plastic and petroleum.  Both extremely bad for the earth and you.  Can you imagine what kind of pollution comes from those factories that make all this junk? I Can .....All those small plastic tubes of fake blood, paint and gooew in the trash. All that fake spider webbing, plastic spiders, also end up in the trash .  All that toxic candy, with all the plastic coated candy wrappers and packaging.   When you look how much of the  population that celebrates Halloween you can see how many tons, millions of tons of trash it creates.  I am sure you can see how much waste Christmas creates.  

The kids paints are toxic, I know they say non-toxic but they are far from that.  The costumes are full of extremely toxic products.  Let's look at the waste that this holiday brings.  Glow sticks, glow necklaces, bracelets, gadgets, blow ups, plastic noisy things and a plethora of Halloween products eventually all end up in the dump.  Dumped in a dump that eventually leaches out into ground water and/or dumped into the ocean.  Let's not forget all the pollution that was made creating all of this junk.  

So far what Halloween is about is ... I WANT ..

Then there is the health issues.  I have first hand experience of what  Halloween can do to a 3 year old.  The day after Halloween, I was in 2 ambulances, two hospitals and a week of ICU.  It was brutally scary.  I know now, what created this situation, and I am forever grateful that I did not loose my daughter. What it did do was put me on the path to seek total holistic wellness.   

Your body gets attacked by the off gassing of these Halloween products that it absorbs from these plastic/petrolatum products.  All of these products leach chemicals.   Halloween leaves you with a body  full of petroleum.

Then there is the candy.  First of all, Halloween teaches kids to go to strangers houses and ask for candy.  Wrong message.  The candy that is given out for Halloween is so toxic that will literally feed cancer cells.  It is full of GMO's, artificial colors, artificial flavors, petroleum and hydrogenated oil.  All of these ingredients create, ADD/ADHD, hyper-activity, depression and many other emotional issues.  You could literally feel like you have a hang-over, after a night of binging on Halloween candy.  Then there is the problem that it just killed your good gut bugs. 

Artificial Colors: http://www.today.com/video/today/53402869#53372096

How can you keep your Halloween from being toxic?  There are many things you can do, but it takes strength, courage and the willingness to be different.  By having the willingness to be different and setting goals of a healthier Halloween, it could possibly rub off on your friends and together you can create a light impact or no impact on your health, your kids and the earth.  

We are at a  very, very critical point in our human lives.  If you, your family and friends are not radically changing, then our world will be lost.  Science and our corrupt gooberment will not fix this.  They will act like they are, by taxing you or taking freedoms away from you.  But, they will protect the big box and big corporations, bad science, toxic bio-technology, toxic nanotechnology, and Monsanto till death do they part.

Ask yourself, your family, your friends this question.  Why do you ( or we as a population) feel like we have to purchase things to just have fun?  Is there any other way to have fun?  What can you do to create holidays that aim for zero waste?  At least aiming for zero waste, even if you do not hit that goal, will eliminate a lot of toxic trash and eliminate a lot of plastic waste etc... 

The Good:   You can close them down, meaning big box corporations, toxic corporations, by the power of not spending your dollars on "I WANTS".  These  toxic corporations stay in business, because they count on your addiction to spending on  "I WANTS".  

Our oceans, rivers, skies and soil can recover, but we need to have a rapid change of what we do in our daily lives.  We need to change our habits immediately!   I would also suggest that we stop fishing for at least 5 years.   Let the ocean's start the healing process, by not interrupting it's circle of life.  I can hear you now, what about the fishermen's income?  I suggest we pay them. for their losses of not fishing for the next 5 years.  But, in order for these fishermen to get paid, they have to put their time into their community around them.   After the five years, we can re-evaluate the ocean and see if we can allow fishing, or will it need a few more years to heal.  

The next thing for the ocean, skies and soil is that all factories that have toxic waste be shut down.  Period.  All of these factory's are allowed to dump a certain amount of waste daily or weekly into the water ways.  All they  have to due is pay a fee to the gooberment to pollute.   This has to stop immediately. 

Conventional farming, needs to be outlawed.   It pollutes our soil, ground water, creeks, streams rivers and eventually ends up in the ocean.  We need to start a transition program (no corporations allowed to help with this) to organic and permaculture practices for our food.   Farmers need financial aid and education to slowly transition out of chemical agricultural.  Again, this is something that we need to start slowly but immediately.  The reason it has to  be in baby-steps is because most of these farmers only know how to grow food with chemicals.  If they all of a sudden can't grow food the way that they are used to, we could have a lot of hungry people due to failure in crops.   

The Oceans will become dead, rivers will be mad water, the sky will never be fresh again.  Time is ticking, the bomb is set, don't you think you should put your best foot forward and start the change.  The power starts with you.  Spend less, buy  true local (your local Walmart is not a local business), eat organic and support true small business. 

A great documentary about healing: 


Some information about this documentary: 


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Comment by Joseph Bronson on October 30, 2013 at 4:19pm

Great post!!! I hope that everyone reads this post and takes it to heart.

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