Yesterday, we picked lots of tomatoes, laid compost, cut the raspberries, laid more compost, I felt like I was a yellow jacket gathering and preparing before for the ice hit. I could feel it. I pulled the green house plastic sheets out to cover the plants. So, last night before bed it was 48 degrees, this morning we hit 30... What a drop! Today, I just finished pulling all the tomatoes, and I put them in the green house. The queen of ice is here and winter is coming fast.
Photo: Yesterday, we picked lots of tomatoes, laid compost, cut the raspberries, laid more compost, I felt like I was a yellow jacket gathering and preparing before for the ice hit. I could feel it. I pulled the green house plastic sheets out to cover the plants. So, last night before bed it was 48 degrees, this morning we hit 30... What a drop! Today, I just finished pulling all the tomatoes, and I put them in the green house. The queen of ice is here and winter is coming fast.
As I watch nature blanket herself for the winter, her colors remind me, that it is time to pull within, to think, to plan, to sip, to sit, to mediate, the winter blanket colors are a reminder that we all need to learn to rest more, take care of ourselves more, to slow down, to give permission to slow down, to teach our children to slow down, winter is not suppose to be a time that gives depression, it is suppose to rejuvenate your body and soul. When winter hits remind yourself, what winter is truly about. Especially for those of us who live in cold rainy or snowy climates.
Photo: As I watch nature blanket herself for the winter, her colors remind me, that it is time to pull within, to think, to plan, to sip, to sit, to mediate, the winter blanket colors are a reminder that we all need to learn to rest more, take care of ourselves more, to slow down, to give permission to slow down, to teach our children to slow down, winter is not suppose to be a time that gives depression, it is suppose to rejuvenate your body and soul. When winter hits remind yourself, what winter is truly about. Especially for those of us who live in cold rainy or snowy climates.

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