Cochlearia armoracia, Amoracia rusiticana,

Amoracia lapathifolia: Cruciferae

Spicy and Hot

Affects the lungs, colon and kidney

Properties: Stimulant, diuretic, rubefacient (rebefacients increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Their function is to draw inflammation and congestion from deeper areas. Useful for arthritis, rheumatism, joint problems and sprains. Rebefacients include mustard seed oil, cayenne, black pepper, pine oil, thyme oil, eucalyptus and cinnamon), expectorant, mild laxative, carminative, hepatic and antiseptic.

The root is rich in minerals, vitamins including Vitamin C. It's warming antiseptic properties make it a great herb for asthma, catarrh (excessive discharge or build up of mucus in nose or throat) and lung infections.

Can be used as a digestive aid especially after heavy meaty meals or oily fatty foods. This has been used as a Old Household Remedy, wherever a stimulating herb(aids digestion, moves mucus) is called for and for influenza and fevers. It is a powerful circulatory stimulant with antibiotic properties due to the mustard oil contains.

Got allergies? You can try a daily does of garlic and horseradish, Folk Medicine used it to help build resistance to allergies, (along with a balanced organic nutritive diet).



States: Raises vital forces. Used as a gargle in scorbutic (scurvy) gums (gingivitis) and sore throat. Internally in gonorrhea, useful as a condiment , in enfeebled( make weak) states of the stomach. An infusion of the root in cider, for dropsy causes, copious diuresis(increased urination) and locally cures dandruff.

Horseradish has been used in cases of urinary infections, gout, rheumatic diseases, bladder infections, colitis, phlegm, damp lung problems, sinus congestion, asthma and added to baths for chilblains.

Horseradish has most of the advantages of garlic, including being high in sulphur (the antibiotic principle)

To Dry The Fresh Roots:

Wash and hand dry

Cut into thin strips

Dry on a low temperature in the oven or use a dehydrator

Externally it can be used as a poultice for rheumatic joints and to stimulate blood flow. It relieves congestion (bronchitis etc), in those conditions where mustard plasters are used so if you do not have mustard to make a mustard plaster try horseradish instead. Please keep in mind you do not put it directly on skin for a plaster or poultice. Put a cloth on the area being treated first, then you can follow through with your plaster or poultice.

Grate horseradish root, apply topically, acts as a counter irritant for injuries and bruises.

Infused vinegar can be used externally as a liniment and yes you can use Fire Cider for this.



Fire Cider: Is a warming, energizing concoction Rosemary Gladstar says this will light your fire! It can be added to your salad dressings, used to flavor your steamed veggies or grains (like rice)

Rosemary Gladstar's Book: Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health

This is a perfect remedy for someone who needs a fiery kick to his or her immune system. A blend of spicy and sweet flavors were combined to enhance your circulatory and digestive system. Will come in handy for those cold months when you’re prone to sinus infections, or when you feel cold coming on.

Take cider when you feel a sinus or congestion coming on. Take fire cider in small amounts to boost your immune system. Take in small amounts to defeat constipation.

Mild Fire Cider

1/8 cup grated organic garlic

1/4 cup grated organic horseradish

1/4 cup chopped organic onion

1/4 cup grated fresh ginger

2 Ginseng roots, dried

1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper

organic apple cider vinegar


4 cup jar with plastic lid (you do not want to use metal lids with vinegar)

Spicier Fire Cider

1/2 cup organic grated garlic

1/2 cup organic grated horseradish

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/4 cup grated fresh ginger

1/2 tsp. cayenne

organic apple cider vinegar


4 cup jar with plastic lid (you do not want to use metal lids with vinegar)

Chop horseradish, garlic, onion, and ginger. Place them and cayenne in a quart jar, fill with apple cider vinegar. Cover with lid and shake well. Let it sit at room temperature for 4-6 weeks. Strain and add honey to taste. Store in a cool place. Your fire cider will keep for several months


Horseradish Honey Syrup for Cough:

Horseradish syrup quells coughs and soothes a sore throat; grate a small piece of horseradish into a small saucepan. Squeeze the pulp over the pan to extract additional juice. Add a little honey and enough water just to cover the pulp; boil for 5 min. let the pulp cool, and then squeeze the pulp again to catch any additional juice; discard the pulp. Mix the horseradish juice with enough honey to make a palatable syrup. Take up to 5 tbsp. of the syrup a day.

Folk Remedy - Horseradish Plaster

Horseradish can be used in place of mustard.  Externally horseradish stimulates circulation and relieves congestion,  Use in  conditions where mustard plasters are used.  Mustard Plasters were used for home remedies for the flu, coughs, colds, pneumonia and many other ailments. 

To Make A Horseradish Plaster:

Equal parts grated horseradish, flour and water. 

Mix the horseradish and flour.  Then add the water to make a paste. The paste should be smooth and easily spreadable but not too thin so that it runs or is watery.

Take a clean towel  and put it on their chest.   Spread the paste evenly on the towel. Then put plastic on top of the plaster, and then another towel.  Put a heating pad on the lowest setting  and place on top of the towel.  Cover them with a blanket.  Leave on for 20 minutes.  Shower after. 

Towel, plaster, plastic, towel, heating pad on lowest setting, blanket

Do not apply paste directly to skin or it may cause blistering.  

More on Plasters:

Folk Remedy - Poultice 

3/4 cup linseed meal (flax)

1 cup boiling water

1/3 cup grated horseradish

Folk Remedy Horseradish Foot Bath

2 to 3 tablespoons grated horseradish to 2 to 3 gallons of water 

Folk Remedy - Toothbrush and /or Mouthwash

1 or more horseradish roots, cut into 6 inch strips, about 6-8 inches

2 to 3 cinnamon sticks

1 tablespoon cloves

1 pint brandy 

1 tsp tincture of myrrh

Filtered water to simmer roots

Put cloves and 1 tsp myrrh tincture in the jar

Fill half way with Brandy

Un-strip or unravel one end of each horseradish strip

Now simmer the strips in the water with cinnamon sticks

Just add enough water to cover them

Cook until roots are tender 20 to 30 minutes 

Take the strips and cinnamon sticks out of the pot and place in the jar with the brandy and myrrh tincture and cloves.  Pour the rest of the brandy in the jar.

Soak strips over night  and then take strips out.  Dry them in a dehydrator or the lowest setting on your oven.  

To use as a toothbrush chew on the frayed end to soften and it is ready to use.   

Leave cinnamon sticks and cloves in the brandy for a few more days.  Strain and put infused brandy in a jar (label) and use it for mouthwash.  

The mouth wash is strong, you will need to dilute it

Please keep in mind the Folk Remedies that I found, the directions are not always clear.   Experiment and have fun 

If you don't have cayenne pepper try substituting Horseradish.  


For a daily does to help build resistance to allergies: 

Add a quarter teaspoon of horseradish root to organic vegetable juice or mix it in a salad

Folk Remedy for Headaches: 

Make a poultice of fresh grated horseradish in cheesecloth.

Put the poultice on the back of your neck

Then put 2 smaller poultices in each bend of your elbows 

Keep poultices on for at least 30 minutes or until headache disappears

Folk Remedy for NEURALGIA:  

Grate about 3 ounces of horseradish

Mix it with one tablespoon of organic white vinegar or apple cider vinegar

Marinate one hour

Spread it on the painful side of your face, particularly on your temple

Relax for 20 minutes

Meditate with the words

"Love Fills Me With Happiness, Harmony and Healing Energy"

Folk Remedies for Toothache

Grate some horseradish

Place a small amount directly on the problem tooth 

More Folk Remedies:

Syrup of Horseradish

Steep one tablespoon horseradish root in one cup of water

Cover for 2 or more hours


Add honey

Heat low until thick, 

Bottle, label and store in frig

Decongest the Sinuses

 1 teaspoon grated  horseradish

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar


Chew until the flavor is all gone

Yes, chew, chew, chew

For Influenza or Fevers

Steep 1 tsp horseradish root with 1 cup water for 5 minutes

Drink 3x a day or more often when treating influenza or fevers


Sinus Remedy: Juice one fresh peeled pulped horseradish root, juice of 2 to 3 lemons, combine. Take 1/2 tsp between meals, use over several months until the mucus in the sinus clears up.  WARNING it is sharp and will undoubtedly bring tears to your eyes, but, this is considered evidence of its effectiveness.  Keep in refrigerator and watch for mold.  

EDEMA, 2 cups apple cider vinegar, 4 tablespoons grated horseradish.  Let sit in a warm place for 12 hours, strain, keep in a cool place.  Internally drink 1 tablespoon several times a day.  Externally, heat up liquid apply it on cotton wash cloth to the swollen tissue areas.  

Books Used For References:

Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health, by Rosemary Gladstar

Holistic Herbal, by David Hoffman

Planetary Herbology, by Michael Tierra

New Age Herbalist, by Gaia original, Richard Mabey

Herbal Medicine, The Natural Way to Get Well and Stay Well, by Dian Dincin Buchman's 

Folk Remedies That Work, by Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen

Herbs for All Seasons, by Sally Freeman

Materia Medica with Repertory, Boericki, William 1927

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