A Seasonings End, My Reflections, To Help, To Pause, Be Still, Be Silent And Observe

The morning was cool, (35 degrees) calm and misty.  Feeling a bit low on energy I decided to move manure first.  I knew after several wheel-barrel trips my mind and body would warm up and wake up.   Robbins are one of my favorite birds and I love how they arrive when spring is about to happen.   I heard a Robbin, and I felt a stir of excitement.  I was not sure if it was one of the few that hang out here for the full winter, or will it be one of many that will bring the song of spring.   The  Robin landed in the Hawthorn Berry tree in front of me and sang a song, this led me to many thoughts.

 I stood there in silence and observed nature.  Nature gives such unconditional love, it gives calmness, it gives serenity, it gives happiness and it lets you know you are alive. 

Climate change, is a change that is happening all across our solar system.  The climate change that is happening on earth is a reminder to humans, that change is happening with or without us.  There is no doubt the tragedies caused by weather can be scary and take life.  These tragedies let us know we are alive, by waking us up, like having ice cold water dumped on you.  These weather patterns give us a chance to change what we are doing. It is a chance to wake up, pull together and save our planet.  All the planets in our solar system are heating up and going through climate change and  these planets have no humans....

 The climate change that is happening on our earth has nothing to do with  humans... 

What we are doing to our planet is killing it.  Killing the water, the micro-organisms, we are giving the planet and all it's species cancer.  This cancer is growing at an incredible rate.   It is not your cars and the cows farting away.  It is your way of life that is making our planet a red planet..  It is your detergent, Teflon, plastics, soaps, paints, chemical agriculture, GMO food, cell phones, shoes, synthetics, the gadgets no-one needs, it is the dollar store mentality,  it is our lack of concern, our selfishness, our lack of growing our own food, our lack of walking more, it is our lack of support for our seniors/elders, it is our support of massive water in bottles, it is the Costco's, the Petco's, the Walmart, the soda, the fast food, the video games, the lack of caring about nature, the lack of being out in nature, therefore you do not care about nature, it is the generations, that complain, but do nothing, it is the generations that are all about selfishness, it is the generations that have let TV raise their kids,  it is the kids who love getting for Christmas, but do not give, Christmas is not for consuming, Christmas is not for greed, Christmas is not Walmart and cheap crap from the Dollar Store, Christmas is not a new big screen TV, Christmas is not junk food, new video games, more plastic toys, more barbies, more dolls, more candy, more candy, more candy, more red dye, more rushing, more need to want, more stress, more stress on the earth, more trash for the earth, more trees cut down, more soda, more fast food because you are rushing around shopping, more junk, more junk more junk, that ends up in the dump..... in the ocean, in the bellies of birds and animals, in the blood streams of the world, including your body.  Is this what we as humans are all about??

It is easier for all to think we are having climate change, to let the government tax us, controls us and blame us.. To truly change what we need to change to save our world, we will need to change how we  live on a daily basis.   If the government was really concerned about our world, they would out-law chemical agriculture, and outlaw bottled water production, outlaw petroleum made products that humans use on a daily basis.  The climate change the government speaks of is the change they want in their greedy pockets, to make off of you.  They see this $$$$$$$$ 

Nature lets you know you are alive, by wind, ice, snow, freezing temperatures, extreme heat, tornado and hurricanes.  All elements that bring life together and can give life an end.  Elements that give tragedy, but these tragedies bring miracles, bring people together and wake people up. 

Tragedies and Rebellions bring change, it is these moments in the circle of life that these energies connect people.  At these moments we have been given a chance to react in a positive way and care, or react in a negative way, not care.  Who are we..

"WE" are a  world that is raising a population of I wants who are unattached to nature. .....

Remembering to breath, and to only allow peaceful intentions in my mind, body and spirit. 

Thoughts of spring, it is coming soon

Thoughts on  celebrating the "Return Of Light".  Winter Solstice is near... 

My eyes caught a big figure flying across a field, a blue heron,  there seems to be more around here for the first time in years, this year.  As I watched this blue heron fly across an old hay field that needs lots of love, I dreamed of some day having my own hay field.  I dreamed of how I would farm it, how I would weed it, how I would harvest it.  It would the old ways, hard, but worth every blister and sore muscle that came with it.  Someday I will do this and it will make my spirit proud.  The land, animals, micro-organisms will be grateful for the light, love, gentleness and nourishment I will bring.  

The chick-a-dees were out,  more robins arrived and were eating the hawthorn berries,

Fresh air, peaceful intentions, love being sent out into the universe.  Deep breaths of thankfulness 

Early spring...

they're still flocks of geese hanging around, more robins today, blue herons hanging around. 

Just maybe an early spring

I am excited, thoughts of seeds, and new crops, new fences, building beds, bees and flowers

I stood silently taking nature in, 

Last night I herd, the Great Horned Owl Hooting, a little early for mating season.... 

Thoughts of early spring 

Thinking of my actions of this past year

I am thankful

I am thankful for knowledge

I am thankful, I read every label of every-purchase I make. Where does it come from, how is it made, what is in it ??? 

I am proud of the way that I live, I have taken more plastics out of our life,  we eat organic,  I am growing my food and herbs, I strongly support local organic farmers and a great CSA (growing wild)  I am becoming a stronger herbalist 

I am proud that I rarely buy produce from the store

I am proud that 99% of our meat is sourced local organic 

I am proud that I raised a lot of meat for my family

I am proud that I work on living lightly on this earth

I am proud that I did not overly consume again this year for Christmas

Proud that each family member will only receive one gift from a local artisan some food and my special tea 

Proud that I have not set foot in a Walmart or  a Mall in over 12 years

I paused, my  thoughts, for my goals for  next season

I think in seasons, not new years, what will I do for the next season

Keep decreasing plastic in our life.  I want to get to a 5% goal

I will not ever, never ever purchase CFL Bulbs for my house, it is either leds or candles.  I refuse to be apart of the Mercury poisonings to this world from CFL bulbs. I hope you will join me on this one.  Imagine 313.9 million houses across america, (minus me), will be contributing to the mercury poisonings to the world and themselves.  Remember if you break a CFL in your home or anywhere else, open the windows and leave immediately and do not come back for 20 minutes. While you are at it make sure you hold your breath while opening the windows. 

I will.....

 build a rocket stove, 

 bake more bread

  hike more

 make more herbal remedies

 teach others about herbs

put more food away at the end of the summer

grow, more potatoes

 figure out how to feed my dogs,  by making their own food.  

 sign up on the Woof-USA Program again, this will bring helpers( as long as they are scent free) to our farm.  We will be able to teach them sustainability and receive extra help. 

continue the Saturday Market, selling herbal products

add more art in my life

add more sleep to my life

cut down computer use

help others with health

I have to make a lighter foot print .......

Lighter Foot Prints, Can You?

Our would is raising a population of I wants, who are unattached to nature and nurse off of video games TV screens, get empty calories through sugar, sucking off a straw of big gulps, soda pop, energy drinks, boxed food, frozen food, toxic fat and fast foods which is in return.. growing a nation of obese or skinny fat zombies 

Could you use this time that you gather with  families and friends this holiday season and talk of how you can be more giving, , how you can support your local organic farmers, set a goal to grow herbs or some food items together, to hike more, to be outside more, to put the TV in the closet,  to give up big box store shopping, to give up video games, how to give up fast food, junk food, unhealthy food,  give up bottled water, give up soda, how can you as a community help your community become a community that gives, grows and is not toxic.  

Take a pause, be still, reflection of  thoughts for last season and the new, stand,  silent, and observe.  Remember ....All things are connected................

What you do, purchase, speak, act, eat, will affect all in this world, your choices will either harm or heal the connection to others and this planet. 

We are at a critical time in the history of the Earth.  We are apart of shaping the future we want for ourselves and for future generations.  We are all responsible for creating a new future based on a culture of peace, universal human rights, economic justice and respect for all life on Earth. 

Money is a kind of energy .  Every single thing that your money buys supports that product.  It support the way that product was made, the people who were involved in making it and, unless it was produced by a cooperative or was fairly managed, it supports the person at the top who makes the most money.  Consume less and consume consciously, with awareness of how each product came to you.

We enter the new season and the return of light, pause and take a moment to look back on your last seasons journeys, what have you completed and what are your insights?  It is a great time to look at the new journeys and new dreams.

It is time, to set your new path, new goals, new creations, for next the seasons journey.  Who do you want to be, what do you want to give, how can you help your world, what can you change,  these are the questions I will ask myself

New paths, new foot prints, new journeys, new life, the seeds are being planted, last years energy is being cleared and this years energy is coming soon.  

This Season Is The Season To Pause, Be Still, Reflect, Be Silent, Observe, To Help, To Care, To Grow, To Support, To Be Free, To Be Healthy, To Be In Nature, Be Happy, Life Can Be Good With This List Of Be's ....... 

Seasoning Blessings  And Peace To All...

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