Be Simple - Food Allergies- The Elimination Diet

There is a plague going on in America, food allergies are on the rise

Between the GMO foods, package processed foods and eating to much of the same thing we have created a society that is reacting to food.  Food allergies are on the rise. 

Food allergies are your bodies way of shutting down to the specific foods that your body does not want you to ingest anymore.  Your body is protecting you and also telling you ( if you are listening) that you need different healthy foods, a variety of nutrient dense, local, seasonal eating, no spray foods. Sadly,  most Americans do not know what real food is anymore.  They have been taught to be busy, and eat on the go.  Eating the on the go creates a situation where you are eating the same thing all the time and if you are not being careful you are filling up on GMO Foods.  

When my dad died in 1979,  as a young girl I thought for sure, as I was growing up, that sickness would become less.  I have also lost my mom.   It is the year 2013 and we have more cancer, more disease, more sickness.  It just blows my mind, that this has become worse and supposedly we have better technology?  This mind blowing lesson for me has been my push in life to seek knowledge about health, true health not what the main stream media tells you. My mom listened to the main stream media and western medicine, she is now ashes thrown to the wind.  

The knowledge about our food is there, and it is simple.  Be Simple.  Simple ingredients, no scientific additives, no artificial colors, no artificial ingredients, no gmo food, learn to cook with simple ingredients with beautiful herbs and fresh food.  Simple, fresh, local seasonal food.  

Simple may not be fast. Simple is not a drive through, but a drive through fast food life will get you faster to the emergency room, faster to diabetes,  faster to high blood pressure, faster to arthritis, faster to cancer, and faster to fat.   

Think about this,  you can be pretty sure that  the great Greek doctor and philosopher, Hippocrates, wasn't referring to breakfast at Shari's, snacks from Nabisco   Doritos for lunch or dinner from McDonald's  when he suggested we let our food be our medicine. Rather, he implied eating simply and naturally, so that we nurture our bodies with an array of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibers found in a well-balanced unprocessed diet. When we eat clean whole foods, we’re not only staying healthy by consuming vital nutrients, but we're also staying healthy by avoiding potentially harmful food additives and GMO foods.

Note on the GMO Food, I really do not want to call GMO foods a food, because they are technically not a food anymore because science has changed its DNA structure from a food to a chemical.   Example:,  GMO Corn is patented at the US patent office.  You can't patent food, but,  GMO Corn is not a food because  it's DNA structure has been changed and  is now  a pesticide  therefore that company owns it, patent's it and the GMO corn and seed is only owned by the creator, the company.  Monsanto ( I like to call them Monsatan) was one of the first to do this.  There are a lot of other bio-tech companies out there now, like, sygentia, dow, pioneer etc.  I can't tell you enough how important it is to avoid and not eat any GMO Food, Period... Never.... Let't put it this way, if you are eating foods that are GMO, you are eating something that is listed at the US patent office as a chemical.  Yuck! 

GMO Foods and food additives are Foreign to your body, therefore it creates dis-ease. .... Inflammation, ..... sickness, .... When there is something foreign being put in your body your body has to fight.  Think of it this way.  Have you ever got a wood splinter, tip of a thorn or a blackberry thorn tip in your finger?  It is stuck under your skin and you can not get it out with the tweezers?  What does your body do to get the FOREIGN object out?  It starts puss up and tries to  push it out.  Now think about what it is like for the inside of your body when you are putting FOREIGN substances in it.  

Food Cravings

The foods you crave are oftentimes the foods that cause you the most trouble, . Common food cravings are milk, ice cream, pasta or bread.

Do You Have A Food Allergy? 

 Questions that can help you determine whether or not you might have a food sensitivity or allergy are:

Do you experience bloating after meals, gas, frequent belching, or any kind of digestive problems?

Do you have chronic constipation or diarrhea?

Do you have a stuffy nose after meals?

Do you have low energy or feel drowsy after eating?

Do you have frequent headaches or migraines?

Does anyone in your family have food allergies?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may want to investigate further.

The Elimination Diet 

There are a few food eating plans out there that can help you find our what your food allergies are.  This method is a cheaper way of doing it.  It also teaches you how to listen to your body.  But, remember what I said up above.  First look at your food as being simple, what is in the food you are eating?   Second ask your self the questions up above and remember many people eat the same foods every day. This violates the principle of regular food rotation, (like eating seasonal) and increases your chance of developing an allergy to a certain food.  I gave a link to a site, that I think does a  pretty good job with The Elimination Diet.  They have a lot good recipes and you can download information.  I am very familiar with this diet so if you need help please just ask.   Again, if you answered yes to any of the above questions  you could possibly have a food allergy.   So either do The Elimination Diet or find a Naturopathic Doctor that does the Vega Testing   

The Elimination Diet

Vega Testing Information:

Easier Method Of Elimination:  

These are the most common Food Allergies:  Tomatoes, dairy, wheat, corn, soy, potato, peanuts, tree nuts, sea food and citrus.  Take all of these out of your diet for 30 days.......................

Then introduce them one at a time in 3 to 5 day increments.  If you get any bloating, acid refux, digestion problems, arthritis flares up, headaches, migraines  mood swings, PMS, stuffy nose or tiredness.  Then that food is not for you. 

Simple Elimination Diet: 

Take wheat and dairy out for thirty days.  Then introduce them one at a time in 3 to 5 day increments

Dr. Mercola on Food Allergies:

Food Additives To Avoid:

Food Inc, Documentary: Trailer

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