
Parts used:  Seeds, roots, and leaves

Benefits:  Plantain is a common weed across almost all of North America and is a highly nutritional food.  It is one of the best poultice herbs and is often referred to as the “green bandage”  Great herb for treating blood poisoning, used externally on the infected area and internally as a tea.  This herb is very effective for treating liver sluggishness and inflammation of the digestive tract.

Suggested uses:  It is considered a bitter, make as an infusion,  edible green leaves, make a poultice with the fresh leaves to soothe irritation (bee stings and infection).

Oregon Grape:

Parts used:  Roots

Benefits:  It has exceptional anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antiviral properties.  It is excellent for fighting systemic infection, as well as topical cleansing, making it especially useful for treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Suggested uses:  Decot the root and use it as a topical wash for infections, or take it (tincture) internally for infections, poor digestion, and as a tonic for the liver.


Parts used:  leaves, flowers and roots

Benefits:  absolutely the best oil for ear infections.  The leaves are used most often especially in cough formulas and for respiratory infections, bronchial infections, asthma and glandular imbalances.   Mullein used to be called the torch plant, because  its long, flowering stalks were dried, dipped in fat or oil and lit as a slow-burning  torch.  

Suggested uses:  Prepare the flowers as an infused oil for treating ear infections.  The leaves can be prepared as a tincture or an infusion for bronchial congestion, colds, and coughs. 


Parts used:  leaves, seeds, roots, and young tops

Benefits:  It is a vitamin factory, rich in iron, calcium, potassium, silicon, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and chromium as well as a hot of other vitamins and minerals.  It activates the metabolism by strengthening and toning the entire system.  Strengthens weak kidneys and liver.  It is an excellent herb to help with allergies and hay fever. 

Suggested uses:  tea, freeze-dried capsules, Young nettle leaves can be used to replace spinach in any recipe.


Lemon Balm

Parts used:  leaves and flowers

Benefits:  Calming, antiviral, and antiseptic.  Excellent for stomach distress and general exhaustion.  Can be used as a mild sedative and for insomnia. 

Suggested use:  It makes a delicious tea and tincture.  

 A few other things to look for on our nature walk:  Cat's ear, dandelion, st. johns wort and yellow dock. 

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