In my last blog post (link here )

I went through four points that I believe are needed for success in your Kung Fu studies. I would like to add three more points in today's blog. Click the link above to refresh the discussion in your mind and then proceed to these next points.

#5. Imagination - Without developing your imagination you will have a very hard time seeing where you are going. The ability to imagine your level of skill (through constant training) is part of what drives you forward towards greater success. Without utilizing your imagination to see yourself as you wish to become. You will have a much harder time ever becoming a success. You need to see it in your mind first before you can create it in your reality. Use your imagination constantly to help drive you forward in your Kung Fu Quest.

#6. Enthusiasm - If you want to see enthusiasm being utilized in our classes to move forward in your Kung Fu training you only need to look at one of our Black Belts. Jim Will is probably our most outwardly enthusiastic student on the mat. Follow his lead and you can't go wrong. You must practice enthusiasm. I have seen so many students over the years that have practiced the opposite of enthusiasm. By seeing their training as a chore instead of a joyous opportunity to grow.

Yes it is hard and yes it is repetitious. But by utilizing enthusiasm in our training we become much more productive and see greater accomplishments in a shorter time. There is an old saying that fits well here. "Fake it till you Make it" Because if you practice enthusiastically it won't take long and enthusiasm will have worked its way into all of your workouts. 


#7. Self Control - This is the way to balance all of the other "keys" to success in your Kung Fu training. Self control brings all of the other aspects of success out at the right time. So much of the time people let their days get out of control and before you know it it is bed time and you did not get your Kung Fu workout in. Self control helps us to stay on task even when the world around us seems to be going crazy. Work on your self control and don't let a lack of self control (giving in to distraction) hold you back from the success that you are striving for in your Kung Fu training.

OK that's it for today. If you would contemplate what I have said so far on this subject. I believe that you will be much closer to having a successful Kung Fu journey.

Stay tuned, more to come soon.

Yours in the arts,

Sifu Joseph Bronson

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