Time For Change..... Let's Pull Together

Shutdown Game.... People vs Gooberment... Gooberment Winning, You fly your colors like you are in a gang... RED/BLUE  You fly your name like you are in a gang.... You separate yourself.... You add barriers... You  point fingers to the other gang.... You blame the other gang... You fight like you are in gangs....  You stick your chest out and display your feathers,  be it red or blue, like a turkey ready to fight.... But, in the end,  the middle (all gooberment), the one that separates you all, sits back and laughs, they are sitting back, they are  proudly displaying their colors, they are  strutting their stuff, they do this behind their walls, they laugh, they have dinner together, pointing fingers at all of you, who fight so hard to keep your gang colors flying... RED OR BLUE.. and hating the other-side.  In the end this SHUTDOWN... is only a game,  a game of RED OR BLUE... a game, to buy time, for something much bigger, it is a game for all you gang members to learn to hate , point fingers, separate yourselves from the other gang, it is creating madness and stress in your body, it is feeding the ultimate negative blob of energy the creates more division.  Because, when there is true division among us all, when we are finally divide, like, brainwashed little sheep, we will then be conquered America.  Both gangs RED OR BLUE will go down, the hate will be soo thick, the violence of words will lash out.  I can only hope that before we get so thick in negative goo, the people will stand up to the gooberment and say enough of this game.  As of right now blue gang and red gang,   you think there is red or blue in the house.  In the house you have corporate corruption, you have them playing you.  You are holding on so hard, you really think there is a difference in  your gangs in the house, that you are hurting America, you are feeding anger in your body, you want so hard to believe your side RED OR BLUE, and you do, just like a victim in an abusive relation ship.   It is time to get out of this ABUSIVE  relationship with the gooberment.    Yes, as a race we are all different, different in our beliefs, we are beautifully different, and hold on to that, but right now we have a gooberment that wants us all to think the same, act the same, to not even think for ourselves, we must fight to change this.  We need to clean the house, empty it, start from the ground up, go back to common sense and make sure we are NOT TAKING AWAY FREEDOMS...   Shutdown Game.... People vs Gooberment... Gooberment Winning, 

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Comment by David Gardner on October 14, 2013 at 7:56pm

Lets take it back. The US belongs to US.

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