For those of you who have been Keeping our friend/kung fu student, Robert in your prayers here is an update. At the same time please keep his wife Shanta in your prayers.. She is holding out, but I could not imagine what she is going through. She is also pregnant with twins. I find that this post has me a bit choked up.

Shanta said "Another day. But today I crawled beside my love and took a nap with him amidst all the wires. To hear his heart beat and feel his arms around was pure bliss. The surgeon is hesitant about the surgery so he's decided not to do it tomorrow. Emotions are on a roller coaster. The Anxiety and boredom are taking its toll on both of us. More news will come this afternoon when the surgeon stops by again." — at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center.

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Comment by suzanne sanders on March 6, 2013 at 11:30am

Update on our friend Robert, from his wife Shanta Frisbee Check up for Robert Frisbee, they did chest X-rays which showed the fluid is mostly gone in his lungs, however the anuersym has grown. Surgery is still on for 3/22. He's experiencing more muscular back pain. One day at a time. — at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. Please keep Robert in your daily prayers. Robert hang in there, you are almost there. Hugs to all of you ♥

Comment by suzanne sanders on March 3, 2013 at 9:12pm

Update on our friend Robert, from his wife Shanta Frisbee,Week one of having Robert Frisbee home. There is not much to write as it's a daily routine of keeping track of the blood pressure (which at least once a day raises too high for unknown/different reasons). Keeping him inactive and comfortable. I appreciate the people who stop by and visit to break up his boredom, and so does he. Small trips to the coffee shop or the store tax his energy but it is nice to get him out of his chair once in awhile, just have to limit his exposure to the public. Today was an excellent day for his ability to eat, we've started a daily protein shake and I've stocked up on avocados and bananas to help get his weight back up before surgery. It's just day by day, and I often lose track of what day it is. We spent a wonderful mellow day in bed yesterday watching movies and snacking, and just being together( ...Wyvrn brought his little cars in the room to play at the end of the bed) It was rare and nice to claim that day of not going anywhere. Thank you for your continued prayers. We see the doctor again Wednesday morning.

Comment by suzanne sanders on February 27, 2013 at 7:55pm

Day 3 of having Robert Frisbee home. It's been an adjustment of schedules and sleep time. He has a good system working for him with checking his blood pressure and taking his medications. We've experienced a couple of high blood pressure spikes coupled with the immense pain, thankfully it's only a phone call away to the doctor to get the emergency dosage. Rob has a lot of back pain due to the aneurysm, so we took some of our savings and bought him a recliner to keep him comfortable. After our meeting with the doctor this afternoon, I learned the coughing will be persistent due to fluid in his lower left lung quadrant and they are hoping it will work it's way out, but they are focused on getting the right lung healthy since that's the one that will be keeping him alive during the operation. (they are deflating the left lung since that's the side they are cutting open to reach the aorta and aneurysm. He is scheduled for surgery on March 22. We have weekly check ins with the doctors with reassure me that they are keeping an eye on what's happening. They don't want an increase in the discomfort but are hoping him being home with allow him to gain some weight back and prepare him mentally for the challenge he will be undergoing.

Comment by suzanne sanders on February 25, 2013 at 10:38am

Update on our friend Robert from his wife Shanta FrisbeeHappiness is waking up in the arms of my beloved. Yes, it was a LONG night but I have to trust in Robert Frisbee ability to manage his own well being (while I do look over his shoulder) He was discharged from the hospital while I was in Seattle, and I am thankful to the wonderful people who delivered dinners and kept him company until I could come home. His blood pressure has stabilized with the medications but it's an every moment thought to keeping it low. It's so low, he sleeps most of the time...and that's ok. We need to keep him alive until surgery. He has a doctor appt. this week and one already scheduled for next week which will determine his surgery date. His immune system is low, so please no visitors without calling. It made me glow to get that hug and hear him say how glad he was that I was home...and to hear how pleased he was with his new kilt I brought home for him. Him being home brings a different level of stress. but we will deal with it. It's hard to still see him in pain and not being able to do anything about it...and of course the constant worry about the anuresym. But it relieves another type of stress because we can have more contact with each other. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.. Thank you, thank you, thank you... :) <3

Comment by suzanne sanders on February 24, 2013 at 11:54am

Update on our Friend Robert:  Robert is at home trying to heal enough for the surgery to take place.  He needs to get the infection out of his lungs before they can proceed.  He is doing better but is still dealing with a lot of pain, and he still needs his surgery.  Please continue to send prayers his way. It has been a scary, frustrating  roller coaster for his family and especially for him... Thank you, 

Comment by Joseph Bronson on February 19, 2013 at 10:31pm

Update on our friend Robert,  Shanta said, Got to spend a few hours with Robert Frisbee this afternoon. His fever broke but they put the mask requirement on his door again. We went for a little walk around the hallway, just cherishing each others company. I had to step out to meet my classmates to work on our group presentation due this weekend. Thankfully, I had the chance to make a quick trip back to see Rob and spend some time saying goodnight. His back is still bothering him but I'm encouraging the drug use. Had to counteract the "pain lets me know I'm still alive" thought process. His new nurse finally recognized the need for a bed extender, so he's more comfortable. No word on any further testing due to the four surgeons/doctors still working on the plan.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers, thank you.... 

Comment by Joseph Bronson on February 18, 2013 at 10:06pm

Update from Shanta I can't help the giddy feeling I get when I get a text from my love. I'm happy to hear & report that Robert Frisbee requested the cough syrup and was given Tylenol to reduce his fever tonight. I wish that things were easier but I know it's only going to become more of a challenge. I picture all the love and light surrounding him sent by so many people from all over the world, of all faiths, and i find its easier to go to sleep knowing he's being held by that net. Thank you for being a part of it.

Comment by Joseph Bronson on February 18, 2013 at 10:04pm

Update from Shanta, Just spend the morning with my love, Robert Frisbee, he had another difficult night. Two of the surgeons have differing opinions on a timeline for surgery. I'm hoping the MRI will ease fears. There is a fear that the aorta has disengaged some more due to all the coughing. Robs back and body has been in pain for over 24 hrs and every time his blood pressure goes up, so does the pain. It's so difficult to see him like that. i enjoyed taking a little nap with him and just being in his arms. h — at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center.

Comment by Joseph Bronson on February 17, 2013 at 10:58pm

More on our friend Robert, from his wife Shanta, Thankful that I got to spend the afternoon/evening with my love, Robert Frisbee. The doctors put orders in for an MRI to see if the aorta has disengaged some more and causing the back pain/spasms. Could be muscular. They are unable to do a CT scan because it would permanently damage the kidneys at this point. We did go for a short walk down the hallway (first time he's left his room in four days) and he is no longer contagious as of tomorrow for RSV. I know he would like to see more people but please keep in mind he gets tired easily and has a very low immune system. PLEASE do not visit if you've been around someone sick or have symptoms yourself!! That could be fatal to him!!

Comment by Joseph Bronson on February 17, 2013 at 7:25pm

Update on our friend Robert. Update from his wife Shanta. Please keep Robert Frisbee in your prayers today. He had a rough night and is in a lot of pain. BP spiked and his spirit is discouraged since he knows he won't be released from the hospital today. He's been in almost 4 weeks and that can wear a person down. The shots they've been giving him to increase blood production has also began making his bones hurt. Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts. This has been a difficult journey for all of us, but I look forward to the day he comes home and we can begin the healing process.

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