Every Thing You Wanted To Know About Anti Depresants (SSRIs)

My Problem With Anti Depressants

For a moment let's just forget the fact that anti depressants are linked to more violence and suicide.  (talking SSRIs here, also known as Serritonin Reuptake inhibitors)  Also forget about the fact that they often cause sexual dysfunction, increased appetite, tooth grinding and a host of other problems.  Because SSRIs are a pharmacutical and gee, even if it causes serious side effects in more than 70 % of those who take it, it's approved by the FDA, right?  Riiigggghhht!
Let's just use some common sense and you tell me what you think. First,  think about the name. Serratonin Reuptake Inhibitor. Serratonin is your "Peace brother, chill out, it's all cool," chemical for your brain. One end of a brain cell squirts some of it out into a canyon (metaphysically speaking) called a synaptic junction. And there it floats in that neural canyon, making you all happy and at peace with the world. Then, when it's time, the other side of that canyon yanks the seritonin back up and absorbs it, breaks it down and recycles it. Then your brain cell squirts out fresh seratonin and the process begins anew. All is right with the world.
But then your doctor gives you an SSRI.  Your brain nerve cell starts to do its thing, and all seems right with the world, but then wait, what's this?  The recycling route has been blocked off!!  Your brain cell has used seritonin floating in the canyon and no way to get rid of it.  There is floats, getting older and older, rotting and decaying.
No problem, your brain cell decides to squirt out more, then more, and eventually floating in that metaphysical canyon called the synaptic junction, is all this old, rotten seritonin.  Then your brain cell decides to shut off the supply to avoid an overload of the system.
Now your canyon is in real trouble!  Would you eat a great meal, excreate the remains in a normal fashion, then take those remains and eat them again?  Over and over?
I don't think you would, but this is exactly what this medication does in your synaptic junctions.
I have seen peoples thought processes change after taking these meds and more often then not, they have gone from thinking, "I'm not ok and I'm unhappy" to "I'm ok, it's the rest of the world that's screwed up."
I have seen these medicated folks suddenly divorce their spouses after years of marriage, and then there are the unexplained suicides along with a host of other irrational behaviors.
It makes no sense to take a drug for mild to moderate depression when it has been clinically proven that exercise and herbs can do a better job. Think about it!

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