The Immune System

The purpose of this discussion is not to explain the intricate nature of the immune system, but to give you a brief description and understanding of some of the key points of this system that can help you become healthy, happy, rested and vibrant.

In order to maintain good health, protect the body against, cancer, bacterial and viral infections, remove ingested chemicals or toxic materials, nature has endowed us with the immune system. The immune system is capable, with the right tools, of removing anything that is ‘NOT YOU’.

In a healthy body the immune system has the capacity to defend the body against infectious agents and even remove body cells that have become cancerous (we all carry cancer cells).
Our cells are constantly multiplying and as a result there will always be some cells that are mutated and have the potential to become cancerous. Our bodies have the ability to get rid of these cells most of the time. When our bodies do not recognize the cell as a cancer or can’t kill it then it can become a cancer. For instance, you probably don’t know that you have some cancers cells, and every single person has cancer cells in them. But in most cases, your body finds the cells and realizes that they’re foreign (NOT YOU), and kills them right away, without you even knowing that it happened, that is incredible! For all the threats that cancer possess, the truth is when your immune system is strong your body can get rid of cancer cells.

When it comes to basic immunity let your immune system flex its muscles when foreign invaders (such as viruses) invade your system. Meaning let your immune system use its muscle and fight off the “other” the ‘NOT YOU” (foreign invaders) before you reach for and use toxic substances.

There are many healthy ways you can support your immune system, so it can flex its muscles (per se) and become stronger. This way each time a foreign invader, the “NOT YOU” tries to enter you have worked it out enough that the muscle, has become stronger.

When given the chance, our bodies are capable of great feats of self-defense, as long as we provide it with a balanced vitamin rich diet, a healthy lifestyle and that you are healthy in thought.

It is vitally important that you know that we are not at the mercy of any and all diseases. You do not need to fear disease, because we have a vast array of specialized cells to protect us. All you need to do is take care of the cells by taking responsibility for your own health. As a society most have been convinced that they need vaccines and chemical potions to protect them, and this is not true. This is a very negative approach to disease prevention and one day in the future this will be looked upon as being as primitive as blood letting and the use of mercury and arsenic for syphilis a common practice until recent times.

7 Steps To Strengthen and Maintain The Immune System

In The Book: The Cause and Cure, by Dr. M. E. Congar, copy right 1887
Chapter: Causes of Dis-ease
It would require a very large book to set forth all the causes of the diseases that afflict humanity at this time. Still when we look for absolute cause, a very small book would be quite large enough. The underlying cause of disease is ignorance of the laws of health, as relates to our own individual life.
Ignorance is the absolute cause of all disease and suffering that afflict humanity.
Also, there is no doubt that all disease originates in the mind; in the near future this TRUTH will be fully recognized. When an equilibrium of forces is sustained between the spiritual, mental, and physical organism, sickness cannot exist.
Food for Thought Side Note for The Year 2020: Will this truth, the truth that “all disease originates in the mind” be used against the minds of humanity

First Line of Defense For Your Immune System, Emotional Health
Your beliefs and attitudes are one of the first ways to build your immune system
Positive radiant thoughts, good attitude towards life builds your immune system
Support from your family and community increases immunity. There was a study on support groups for breast cancer patients and when they participated in the support groups it doubled their life span.

You Are What You Eat, and You Are What You Think

Thoughts are things-they can harm or heal. Perceptions can please or paralyze your nervous system. Stress literally eats away at the brain.

Depression stresses the immune system, so much so you are more susceptible to disease, especially cancer.

There are studies of people who struggled with depression after someone they know and loved deeply died, these studies showed that you were more at risk for getting cancer.

Phycological social stress, causes low immunity and you are more susceptible to colds and viruses

Loneliness causes low immunity, is a breeding ground for sickness and dis-ease
ANYTHING that you, your body, and/or your mind perceives as stressful triggers your fight or flight response. During fight or flight, your adrenal glands are switched on, dumping a load of cortisol, stimulating neurotransmitters epinephrine (adrenalin), and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) into your blood stream. Your heart begins to race, blood is shunned away from your brain to your legs, your eyes dilate, and you get ready to fight whatever is threatening you or you run like hell.

In other words, when you are in fight or flight mode, blood flow is directed away from the vital organs to the limbs, which are used for fighting and running. The immune system at that instant is of lesser importance.

Let us imagine that you went back in time, the reactions you once needed for running from a bear, your legs would have been infinitely more important in that immediate situation than the immune system. Thus, the body favors the legs under such circumstances and neglects the immune system.
Our ancestors needed these kinds of biochemical mechanisms if they were going to survive in the natural world.

So, when a person perceives any negative environment, the body tends to neglect the immune system and vital organs. This negative stress makes you less intelligent and mentally unclear because the part of the brain related to reflexes is given more prominence in fight or flight mode than the part related to memory and other mental functions.
Side Note: When you have less capacity to think and less intelligence due to the fight or flight mode you are in, this makes it easier for the political powers to control you and the population

Negative Emotions Are Disease Causing: Social and/or Psychological Stressors
Happy Talk equals Happy Human
Negative Talk equals anxiety, depression, behavior problems and dementia

We need to look at our current situation and this year our minds and bodies are being challenged in a way that none of us have ever experienced before and it is super negative. The world is being mind controlled by several big companies, that are also big pharma companies, one being Google. Yes, Google is also a big pharmaceutical company. Google, Youtube, Amazon, All Social Media and Bill and Melinda Gates of Hell either own pharmaceutical companies or have their hands in it. Just look at Bill and Melinda Gates of Hell, their toxic foundation is one of the worlds foremost promoters of massive-vaccination efforts, (this includes the corona virus vaccine)which are a major part of pharmaceutical company’s agenda. In 2002 Bill and Melinda Gates of Hell began buying billions in drug stocks and subsequently added huge amounts of Monsanto stock as well. Not surprisingly, their toxic foundation is also a leading international promoter of GMO crops and technology. Their toxic foundation is essentially a huge tax avoidance scheme for enormously-wealthy who have made billions from exploiting the worlds people. Their toxic foundation invests, tax-free money from Gates, and the “donations” from others, in the very companies in which Gates owns millions in stocks, thus guaranteeing returns through both sales as well as intellectual-property rights. In a 2011 Forbes interview, Bill Gates admitted the new profitability of VACCINES. “Ten or 15 years ago, nobody in the drug business would have held up vaccines as profit centers” he said, conceding that ”Vaccines are so tough, particularly because of liability issues.” But now “People are making money in the vaccine business” he noted”. The reason why vaccines are making money now is because our government made it possible for the vaccines industry to make money due to the fact that they passed a law that people cannot sue, if they become medically damaged by their toxic vaccines. The vaccine industry is now protected, so they can inject you with toxic substances, not get in trouble and become richer. Side note, due to the plandemic, the corona virus has made Bill even richer, not to mention many others, include social media owners.

Where I am going with this, when we are conscious of what we think we can self-empower ourselves our minds, our bodies and become healthy, we become active in managing our health, but this is the complete opposite of what the pharmaceutical industry wants. This very industry has a livelihood based upon selling drugs as the only path in controlling health. The publics perception that pharmaceuticals are the only way to regain health is conditioned by the industry’s onslaught of drug commercials in the media, including social media like facebook. The financial power of the pharmaceutical companies have been used to manipulate medical school curricula, so that practitioners are trained to devalue the role of the mind while they are encouraged to write drug prescriptions for their patients.

While these medical practitioners have dismissed and ignored the role of the mind in influencing health there are studies that have established that a minimum of one third and up to two thirds of all positive medical intervention are due to the Placebo Effect, an expression of the real power of mind over matter.

The definition of a Placebo Effect is the influence that positive thinking, a belief in a product or therapy can produce a healing experience. Placebos represent the scientific consequence of how positive consciousness (mind) can manifest healing. The opposite of this would be negative thoughts that engage the Nocebo Effect, which influences as equally powerful to that of a placebo effect but works in the opposite direction. Negative thinking, a characteristic of the nocebo effect, can cause ANY disease and even death from nothing more than a thought!

The power of thinking, our thoughts control our biology.

Let’s look at our current situation, the world, is being challenged by the influence of negative thinking as it relates to the fear of another life-threatening (for a very small group of people) pandemic. If we go back in time, to the 1300’s when humans were dealing with the bubonic plague, black death and then in 1918 Spanish flu (aka swine flu) both of which caused millions of deaths. Medical researchers found that the health of those who died in these plagues were already physically compromised; they were extremely malnourished and lived in the most unsanitary environments. Then we have been led to believe that measles also represents a deadly disease, while years ago, everyone got the measles as a rite of passage (remember the Brady Bunch episode). Yes, some died with measles but yet again, those who died were already medically compromised and today the word measles invokes a NOCEBO image of a deadly plague killing everyone in sight.

Be aware that it is the fear of a virus, such as the coronavirus, propagated by media and social media, that is more deadly than the disease itself.
My point here is that positive and negative thinking, respectively placebo and nocebo influence, not only shape our internal experiences but also shape our interactions with the external world and these experiences and interactions can either make you healthy or unhealthy, build your immune system or deplete it.

Emotional Stressors
The state of the world; the international political situation, politicians that lie, problems in your state, your neighborhood etc.
Financial situation
Thoughts and beliefs about yourself
Psychological disorders, depression, anxiety etc.
Low self -esteem

This includes, video games, movies, a nutrient-depleted toxic diet, environmental toxins, electropollution, over-eating, overworked, overdoing, all stimulates such as tobacco, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, drugs and LOSS OF CONTROL AND COMMUNITY.
The ostrich effect is an excess of putting your head in the sand and not paying attention.
Extreme selfishness, jealousy, ego, manipulation, anger, and hatred are all excesses that cause stress and deplete the immune system.
Also, insufficient sleep is an insidious health-destroyer. Therefore, lack of sufficient rest is an underlying cause of sickness. In other words, you can have an excess of staying up late and not getting enough sleep.

Solutions For Emotional Stress:
Avoid chocolate, coffee and other caffeine rich foods, alcohol, all processed and refined foods, sugars and sweets
Identify and Eliminate ,Stressors: Be honest with yourself don’t deny what is toxic in your life.
It is vital that you assess programs and identify and rewrite limiting beliefs that undermine your power and your health:
Quotes: I love using quotes to help me with stress.
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t you’re right by Henry Ford”
A master once said to those who wanted to learn
“You can do all the miracles that I can do, even better than I can…but you must have belief”
For the Year 2020:
To transform our world, we must first transform our thoughts. The influence of positive thinking is real, and now more than ever is necessary. Heaven on Earth is just a thought away.
Calming The Mind
Go to bed earlier and focus on getting up early each morning, and then do a breathing-focused meditation, walk or do some form of exercise for a minimum of 25 minutes to increase the breath. The main goal is to increase the breath. After 25 plus minutes of brisk exercise or focused breathing meditation, the feel-good hormones called endorphins are released in the body creating a sense of well being which can help alter feelings of negativity and depression. This makes it easier for you to produce more positive thoughts and have more clarity, which in turn leads to feeling happier.

Seek out places that are alive with fresh air and try to go there on a regular basis.
Hangout and observe nature, do some deep breathing, make a cuppa relaxing tea, read a book while sitting under a tree.

Turn screens off by 6:00 pm

The Benefits of Laughing
Relaxing Massage oil such as a lavender massage oil
Rest and Relaxation
Herbal Baths and Herbal foot soaks- lavender, roses, chamomile, rosemary, hops, sage,

Supplements and Herbs:
B Multi Complex Vitamin, spirulina is high in b vitamins, nutritional yeast, magnesium, herbal powdered capsules for the nervous system, herbs high in calcium such as seaweed, comfrey leaf, oat tops, nettle, dandelion leaf or fresh leaves, mustard greens, horsetail, chickweed and water cress.


The Nervous System is our link to our environment. It as three basic functions, to receive, to interpret and to respond. It is the most important system in the body. Without the nervous system, there could be no life. To the degree that it is impaired, the quality, tone, color and richness of life are diminished. If you want a full vibrant and healthy life, you must commit to taking care of your nervous system . There are many ways to nourish and take care of the nervous system, which conventional toxic medicines from allopathic physicians, do not. Theses conventional drugs deaden and nullify nerve response.

Herbal Nervines, nourish, and bring back life to your nervous system. Keep in mind, they do not respond as quickly as drugs, they ease, soothe, tone and nourish you at a much slower rate. They are simple and powerful.

Nerve Tonics are used to tone, strengthen and nourish your nervous system. Gentle in action, extremely effective and can be taken over a long period of time. They are generally high in calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins.
Examples: Oatstraw, skullcap, wood betony, chamomile, valerian and hops.
Calming Tea:
1 part lemon balm
1 part holy basil/tulsi
1 part passion flower
1 part peppermint

Oat Straw Infusion: 3 cups 3 times a week
Quart jar
1 ounce of oat straw
Put oats in jar, boil water, pour water into jar, over and let sit 4 hours.
Strain and drink throughout the day.

My Favorite Nerve Tonic
2 parts chamomile
2 parts lemon balm
1 part oat straw
1 part oat tops
1 part wood betony
1 part chrysanthemum flowers
½ part lavender buds
½ part roses
Mix, put in a jar, label, keep in a dark place
1 tablespoon per cup

I like to define adaptogens as herbs that help you adapt to the stressors of life.
Calm Balls
4 tablespoons of organic cocoa powder
2 tablespoons ashwagandha root powder
1 teaspoon cardamom powder
1 ½ cups pitted dates, chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 cup walnuts, pecans or pumpkin seeds (soaked and dehydrated preferred)
¼ cup dark chocolate chips or 4 ounces of a chocolate bar, chopped, ORGANIC IS BEST!
Combine the powdered herbs, then add the dates, vanilla extract, and coconut oil. Mix well with your fingers, squishing the mixture together between fingertips and thumb. Add the nuts, then chocolate chips.
Shape into balls and store in a covered container at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to a week.
If the cardamom is a bit strong for you, you can substitute cinnamon and nutmeg or just cinnamon
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg

Herbal Stimulation Therapy
Avoid or consume less coffee, chocolate, products with caffeine, tobacco and/or marijuana. These stimulants taken in small amounts will often have drug like actions in the body. They can keep you up all night, stimulate the entire nervous system, dilate the capillaries and the brain. You might feel energized and vibrant at first, but these stimulants let you down quick, therefore creating an addiction to needing more. Large amounts of these over a long period of time, have a strong alkaloid action and eventually they deplete your nervous system and rob your body of its natural vitality. When you become depleted this depletes your immune system.
Herbal Stimulants that are good for the body, will increase vitality by nourishing the system, relaxing the nervous system, and removing energy blocks in the body. These herbal stimulants may not give a quick increase of energy, but when used over a period of time they elevate the body’s inherent life force which will increase energy levels. Of course, this also means you are incorporating healthy foods, limiting strong stimulants like coffee, exercising daily and calming the mind.

A Few Examples of Herbs That Are Used In Herbal Stimulation Therapy:

Ginkgo, gotu kola, eleuthero root, spearmint, peppermint, ginger, ginseng, dong qui, cinnamon, cayenne, etc.

Brain Power Tea
 3 parts peppermint or spearmint
1 part gotu kola
1 part ginkgo leaf
1/8 part rosemary
¼ part sage
1 part ginger
1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per cup of water

Second Line Of Defense: Breath of Life
There is an old proverb “Life is in the breath. He who half breathes, half-lives”
Breathing supplies, us with much of our essential nourishment. We make our energy by metabolizing food and the air we breathe. Breathing is a gift that sustains life. It has the power to revitalize us, clear our minds, calm our emotions, cleanse our bodies and our circulation, and ensure our well-being. These days we take breathing for granted, or distort it, by robbing ourselves of rightful nourishment.
Shallow upper chest breathing is in fact a primal response to being threatened.
Another reason for shallow breathing is poor posture. Thought patterns, emotions, injury, trauma, back problems, prolonged pain and stress are all embodied in the body and can be reflected in our posture.
Every minute we breathe in and out between 10 to 15 times. We take a breath nearly 25,000 times a day. This is the way in which the body extracts the oxygen it needs from the air and discharges WASTE CARBONE DIOXIDE FROM THE BLOOD. The blood carries fresh oxygen throughout the body. When the blood returns to the alveoli, carbon dioxide and other gases pass from the blood into the alveoli.
These gases leave the body in the exhaled air. Side note if you are masked how do you get rid of the waste carbon dioxide? If respiratory disturbances inhibit gas exchange, they can lead to a lowering of the body’s vitality (immune system) an increase in metabolic disorders and degeneration of tissue. Any problem with breathing will not only affect other organs and systems buy may also cause disease in these systems. Something to think about

If the air you breath is toxic, how do you keep your cells healthy and happy
We need to look at the circulatory system and also consider the condition of the digestive system and especially the organs of elimination, as the lungs share the job of eliminating waste with the bowels, kidneys and skin.

Guidelines for A Healthy Respiratory System
Regular deep breathing exercise
Recharge Your lungs by seeking out places in nature, such as waterfalls, mountains, ocean and rivers. Clean air is the most important medicine you can give your lungs.
Exercise is Vital, at least 5 days a week.
Avoid mucous forming foods, such as SUGAR(all types, honey is good) , dairy, eggs refined processed food
Winter foods: Your focus should be warming foods, warming spices, ginger and garlic syrup, fire cider, curry onions, foods high in vitamin A, bone broths, mushrooms garlic, thyme, oregano, soups stews, put the smoothies away, limit cold food use.
Hydrotherapy: Hot and cold showers. End on cold
Favorite Lung Tonic:
1 part comfrey leaf
2 parts nettle leaf
4 parts peppermint
2 parts chamomile
1 part coltsfoot
1 part mullein
2 parts hibiscus flower
2 parts lemon grass
1 part ginger root
1 part cinnamon chips
¼ part orange peel
1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per cup
Liver tonics: Chicory, dandelion root, roasted dandelion root, burdock root
Kidney Tonics: marshmallow root, marshmallow leaf, cleavers, chickweed, dandelion leaf and horse tail

Third Line Of Defense: Your Skin
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Everything that you put on your skin absorbs directly into your body and either affects your body negatively or positively. A product that is toxic, will affect your liver suppressing your immune system.
Optimize The Health of Your Skin:
Dry skin brushing
Massage – Massage rubs life into the body
Sweat – Sweat lodge, exercise, sauna etc. Sweat should not smell foul or super strong
Use lavender water for cleansing
No harsh detergents
No dryer sheets
No toxic lotions, creams, make up, hair product
Watch out for the word fragrance, fragrance means toxic, only use products that have essential oils in them
No toxic deodorants
Know what you are using on your body and on your hair, buy researching the product and the ingredients.

Fourth Line of Defense: Mucous Membranes
Your body traps microbes, “NOT YOU’ the foreign Invaders. Then your body takes the invaders and gets rid of them.
Nasal Hairs catch and destroy them
Your eyes have a certain chemical that also stops destroys foreign Invaders, the “NOT YOU” that are trying to get through.
A dry system and a dry mouth are more vulnerable to infections
Fifth Line of Defense: Stomach Acid
If any of the other defenses fell through well don’t worry your stomach acid is the central furnace burning any NOT YOU’S of the foreign invaders that made it through
Bitters: Take before meals, helps get the digestion going
Bitter extract, bitter foods, bitter herbs
Digestive Enzymes
½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in ½ cup warm water before meals

Sixth Line of Defense: Limit or Eliminate Electromagnetic Stress
Electromagnetic radiation causes many degenerative illnesses. For instance, there is a two to three fold increase in leukemia in children exposed to high levels of EMFs from power lines. This is also been shown in workers who are exposed to high electromagnetic fields in their occupations. There is a connection between cell phones and brain tumors, cells phones cause cancer.
Manmade electromagnetic fields, like those produced by high voltage lines, electric blankets, MICROWAVES, computers and office equipment trigger stress response in the body and impact the immune, endocrine, heart and circulatory system and emotions. They have been shown to depress the production of the hormone melatonin in the pineal gland which could result in depression. They have been found to compromise the immune system so much so that they stimulate the growth of existing cancers.
Exposure time is very important
When sleeping keep all devices out of the room, no tv, no cell phone, no kindles, etc.
Keep room dark
Stay at least an arms length from devices near which you spend a lot of time.

Seventh Line Of Defense: Detoxification
Liver: Take care of your liver it is the master detoxifier for your whole body
Drinking water: Water toxicity such as the use of Fluoride
Heavy metals
The Green Revolutions is far from being green and most of the time it is the ORANGE REVOLUTION
The dangers of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides are real and these toxic chemicals will take down your immune system and will cause cancer in many.
FDA – Federal Death Administration
EPA – Environmental Pass (all chemicals) Agency
Add recommendations from above steps.
Garlic daily- helps protect liver cells from toxic compounds
Turmeric- helps protect against liver damage. Try golden milk
CO Enzyme Q10 – is essential for the oxygenation of liver cells
Vitamin C – Neutralizes toxins and protects against fee radical damage
Fasting – Stop eating at 4:00 pm for a week or two. It gives a nice reset to your body. When you sleep your body can go into rest and repair. Rest and digest does not repair.
Last Words
Never trust the government and any government agency with your well being! It is not in their best interest! If you look back in history, they have proven themselves over and over again to be dedicated to the pharmaceutical companies, chemical company’s and any toxic money making company (or person) and will never care about your health, NEVER.

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