The best way to treat a cold and flu, is prevention

Working on heather life style habits that boost your immune system, can keep you from getting sick frequently. Good health is the practice of living healthfully every day. If you or your family members become susceptible to illness, lack vitality,feel unfocused or lethargic it is generally due to lack of exercise, poor sleep, to much screen time (video games, movies, social media etc.) poor dietary practices and lack of quality time with family and friends. Fighting infection is best handled by building up the strength of the whole body.

Let’s start with prevention

Get Plenty of Rest

Our bodies need rest and of a sufficient quality and quantity. It is during sleep, when our body is at rest, that it is able to optimally rejuvenate and heal.

Stop Watching The News

Stay Hydrated

A large part of our body is comprised of water (55 – 70% by some sources). Water flushes harmful toxins out and is vital for the proper functioning of all body systems. The standard requirements state 8 glasses of filtered water daily but this will vary due to many factors; amount of exercise, body weight, climate, etc.

Dry Skin Brushing:

Our skin is our shield to the outside world. Keeping it healthy promotes a healthier body. Dry skin brushing is a great way to cleanse and promote a healthy lymphatic system, vital for our immune system and general well-being.

Brushing the skin before a shower or bath has numerous benefits such as helping with detoxification, removing dead skin (exfoliation) to open the pores, stimulating circulation, cleaning the lymph system and increasing cell renewal. With a dry, natural bristle brush, begin at the feet and work towards the heart stroking with gentle to moderate pressure. Be sure to cover all areas of the body up to the heart. Then begin at the hands and brush the arms. Start again at the neck and work again towards the heart until all areas of the body have been brushed. The first few times your skin may fill a little sensitive but will become accustomed to the brushing.

Eat Healthy :

Eating healthy during the cold and flu season is one important step to take. We are what we eat and eating healthier will lead to a healthier body and stronger immune system. Skip the junk foods and reduce sugar consumption. As little as 1 teaspoon of sugar (from any source) can suppress the immune system for up to 4 hours. Reduce your meat consumption, your body has to work harder to digest meats. Eat organic, grass fed, and pasture raised animals. Especially stay away from processed meats such as bacon, sausage and deli meats. Add in more fruits and vegetables which will increase your intake of balanced vitamins and nutrients. Limit your intake of processed foods and dairy. Spend 20 minutes outside in the sun daily to increase your levels of vitamin D. Supplement with vitamin C and add zinc into your diet. Both garlic and onion have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties which will help fight infection and strengthen the immune system.

Avoid GMO's at all costs

Avoid canola oil and soy bean oil, soy products at all costs

Increase your Omega 3's in your diet - Walnuts, olive oil, wild caught salmon, almonds etc. 

Take Probiotics:

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that reside in the digestive tract. Increasing the healthy bacteria will reduce the unhealthy bacteria and lessen the load on the immune system. Yogurt without sweetener and fermented foods contain the healthy bacteria or supplements are available. Look up Dr. Mecola on youtube on probiotics.

Take Magnesium daily

Espom Salt Baths - Better yet had some relaxing herbs, light music and candle light

Vitamin D - Soy Free

Possible detox formula



Moderate exercise is important to keep the body and immune system healthy. Exercise helps remove toxins from the body and cleanse the lymphatic system. Exercise is also a great way to reduce stress.

Stress Reduction:

Stress is our reaction to any life event that upsets the body’s balance. Stress has become a major factor in all of our lives. If not handled properly, stress throws our bodies out of balance and into a state of dis-ease – not only physically but emotionally and spiritually. Stress reduces the immune system’s effectiveness.

There are many ways to reduce stress in our lives. A happy, positive attitude is one of the easiest ways. We all have the choice to live life from a positive or negative perspective. Turn off the media and reduce negative influences from your life. Stay away from the drama!

Take time for yourself, listen to relaxing music, meditate, immerse yourself in a hobby, enjoy nature, have body work such as massage or Reiki done.

Life is what you make of it. Change your thoughts, be happy!

Stop Living In Your Computer, TV and Cell Phone.  It is extremely unhealthy

Go hang out in the forest, by a tree, by a lake, by a river, at the beach or somewhere you can breath beautiful fresh air.  Deep breathing, Forest Bathing is vitally important for your body to stay healthy and/or heal.  If you are not getting enough oxygen, you will get sick.


Prevention Adding Fresh Herbs To Your Daily Diet:

Garlic: Add 1 to 2 cloves of fresh raw garlic into your daily diet. Sprinkle it on salads, soups or bread. Mix it with honey to minimize possible stomach upsets.

Thyme: The herb has potent antiviral and antibiotic qualities. Start drinking thyme as your daily beverage when everyone around you is getting the flu. If it is too late and you already are feeling the effects of the flu coming on, thyme tea will generally, lesson the duration and severity of the illness.

Rose Hips: These are one of nature's best sources of vitamin C! Other great sources of vitamin C are alfalfa, catnip, lemon balm, plantain, strawberry leaf, violet leaf, and white pine needle.

Violet: The common violet acts as a gentle immune-system stimulant. Drink a tea made from the whole above ground portion of the plant. Other herbs that help stimulate the immune system are ST. Johns wort, white pine, and strawberry leaf.

Mushrooms - shitake, maitake , lions mane etc. 

Wash Hands Often and Don’t Touch Your Face or Eyes

Stay away from toxic hand-sanitizers! 

You will create a super bug problem using toxic hand-sanitizers, disinfects and bleach. 

 Plus you will hurt your microbiome,your gut flora

Nourishing Infusions: Susun Weed

What to do when the bug hits:

Remember the earlier you can catch an illness, often the easier it is to beat.

There are a lot of things you can do when you are sick ,because of this I am going to do only a small list. I will give references at the end of this blog.

Nettle Leaf- Some natural doctors say this is the only herb needed for illness treatment. It contains large amounts of vitamins and trace minerals and helps the body stay hydrated and remove toxins. In a tea with Red Raspberry Leaf, Alfalfa and Peppermint, it makes a powerful immune supporting and illness preventing remedy.

Edlerberry- Elderberry is well known for supporting the body, especially during flu. You can find conventionally made elderberry syrups at many stores now, or to save money, make your own. To make: Boil 3 cups of water with 1/2 to 3/4 cup dried elderberries. Once it has boiled, reduce heat and simmer about 45 minutes. When cool, mash berries and strain to get liquid. Add 1 cup of honey to the liquid and mix well. Store in the fridge for up to 3 months and take 1-2 tablespoons a day (adults) or 1-2 teaspoons a day (kids) for illness prevention. Take three times that dose if suffering from illness.

Ginger- In capsule form, ginger can greatly help with nausea and vomiting associated with the flu. It can also help with high fever and headache. Fresh ginger root can be steeped in boiling water to make a tea that is very effective against sinus symptoms and congestion.

Yarrow: Unsurpassed for flu and fever, and great for children. If used abundantly in tea or tincture at the beginning of an illness, it will usually shorten the illness to less than 24 hours. It is especially good for fevers as it induces perspiration and is great for all childhood type illnesses. It is naturally bitter, so it is often good to include peppermint and stevia leaf when making a tea. It is great for the liver and kidneys and supports the endocrine system.

Chamomile- An absolute staple, especially for kids. Chamomile calms the nerves, helps children sleep better and reduces inflammation or fever. Soaking a chamomile tea bag in warm water and placing over an eye for 15 minutes every 2 hours will relieve pink eye in less than 24 hours. Chamomile tastes great and is easy to get kids to take. We use it in tea and tincture formula. It is also great for regulating hormones and for the skin and can be used regularly for good sleep.

Peppermint- Great for all digestive disturbances and for lowering fever. It can be used as a tea or tincture or rubbed on the skin to bring a high fever down. It is antimicrobial and antiviral and kids usually love the taste. It can be consumed as a hot tea or cold tea during illness in any amounts.

Catnip- A traditional cold and flu remedy, and a great herb for children. It helps induce sleep and settles the stomach. As a tincture or tea, it is a great herb for combating flu, cold or other illness.

Red Clover- Very high in nutrients, Red Clover purifies the blood and relaxes the body. It has been used in hormonal preparations, but is also useful in treating almost any illness. Can be used in tea or tincture.

Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is high in lauric acid and is thought to dissolve the lipid coating around some viruses and make them more susceptible to attack by the immune system. If sick, aim for 5-6 tablespoons per day in food or melted and stirred into hot tea. Coconut oil has many other health benefits as well and is known to boost the immune system.

Onions and Garlic on the Feet at night- For extreme cases of illness, I slice onion and garlic and place all over the bottom of the infected person’s foot (rub olive oil on the foot first). I then wrap the foot in saran wrap and place a sock on overnight. Onions and garlic have been shown to pull toxins and help the body heal. Some natural practitioners even claim that having cut onions around will absorb toxins and keep others in the family from getting sick, though I have not tried this.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink- Yes, it tastes awful, but if you are sick enough, you won’t taste it anyway. Drink a tablespoon in water with a little bit of honey, at the first sign of illness and repeat hourly until symptoms disappear. This alkalizes the body and helps kill viruses and bacteria.

What I Do For My Family When The Bug Hits:

Removal of all grains, dairy, sugars, etc

No sweets of any kind!!!! 

Sleep, sleep and sleep

No screens or limit your use to super minimal

No screens in the bedroom

Make energizing bone broth: Recipe

A lot of hot herbal tea (Filter your water)

Strong infusions made from  nettle, mullein and oatstraw -  sip throughout the day.   

Chamomile, Yarrow, Catnip and Peppermint tea 1 cup every three hours

Edlerberry syrup every 2 hours - Adult dosage 2 tablespoons every 3 hours 

Fire Cider Tonic  - Drink 1 tsp 3 times a day (adult dosage) 

Stay Hydrated!!!  Lots of water


Vitamin D

Cod Live Oil

Vitamin A ( if needed)

Keep up with supplements

Mushroom cocoa (recipe on this site) with Marshmallow Root Coconut Cream

Sage Tea (for sore throat)

Onions and garlic on feet during sleep OR cold sock treatment (directions below)

Vitamin C every 2-3 hours in small doses until bowel tolerance

Curried onions

If there is a cough, I give them my special cough syrup (Stephen Buhners Recipe) This is the best cough syrup I have ever made! 

Immunity tincture - If needed.  Ingredients, echinacea, osha, garlic, horse radish, golden seal and cayenne

Herbal Teas are my favorite for  my family for preventive care and when they have bee hit with the bug.

High C Tea (Family Favorite) Infusion

4 parts rose hips

3 parts hibiscus

2 parts lemongrass

1 part elderberry

1 part cinnamon chips

Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container. Prepare as an infusion.

Respiratory Tea: Infusion- Rosemary Gladstar book: Herbal recipes for vibrant health

4 parts fennel

4 parts rose hips

2 parts lemongrass

1 part calendula

1 part coltsfoot

1 part mullein

1 part red clove flowers

Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container. Prepare as an infusion.

Sore Throat Tea: Decoction

2 parts licorice root

1 part cinnamon

1 part echinacea

1 part marsh mallow root

1/8 part ginger

Decoct the herbs as instructed for decoction. Drink several cups of tea a day

Infusion: Are made from the more delicate parts of the plant. Simply boil 1 cup of water to 1 tablespoon of herb . Pour water over the herbs and let steep for 30 to 60 minutes.

Decoctions: Are made from the more tenacious parts of the plant, such as the roots, bark, and seeds. These require a slow simmer. To make a decoction, place the herbs in a small saucepan and cover with cool water. heat slowly and simmer, covered, for 20 to 45 minutes. The longer you simmer the stronger the tea will be.

How To Make Decoctions and Infusions:

Another family favorite is Elderberries. Here is a recipe for elderberry syrup:

Elderberry Syrup:

Elderberry syrup is one of the most popular cold remedies in Europe. Elder has been used for centuries and is one of the most well documented herbs for colds and flus. It’s also great for lots of other stuff, but we’ll keep it simple for now.

You can give the syrup by the teaspoon (kids love it) every 2-3 hours while sick, or even use it regularly in your food, such as on pancakes! Elder is VERY high in bioflavonoids and is a great antioxidant. For kids under 2, add the syrup to hot water to kill any microbes in the honey that might make them sick.

1 – 4 oz. package of dried elderberries

5 cloves

1 cinnamon stick

1 tablespoon of grated ginger

2 cups of water

1 cup of honey

You will need a small saucepan and a fine mesh strainer

How to make elderberry syrup:

First put 1/2 cup of dried elderberries into the small saucepan. Add the 5 cloves, cinnamon stick, 1 Tablespoon grated ginger, and 2 cups of water.
Cover and bring the water to a boil.
Turn down the heat, leave covered, and simmer until the liquid is reduced by 1/2. This usually takes 20-30 minutes.
Strain into a bowl and add 1 cup of honey.

To preserve it you could add about 1/2 cup brandy

How to store your syrup:

Store the syrup in a closed jar in the refrigerator. Syrups have a relatively short shelf life. We generally make these in small batches and store them in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

Video on making Elderberry syrup:

Fire Cider


Fire Cider: Is a warming, energizing concoction Rosemary Gladstar says this will light your fire! It can be added to your salad dressings, used to flavor your steamed veggies or grains (like rice)

This is a perfect remedy for someone who needs a fiery kick to his or her immune system. A blend of spicy and sweet flavors were combined to enhance your circulatory and digestive system. Will come in handy for those cold months when you’re prone to sinus infections, or when you feel cold coming on.

Take cider when you feel a sinus or congestion coming on. Take fire cider in small amounts to
boost your immune system. Take in small amounts to defeat constipation.

1/2 cup organic grated garlic

1/2 cup organic grated horseradish

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/4 cup grated fresh ginger

1/2 tsp. cayenne

organic apple cider vinegar


4 cup jar with plastic lid (you do not want to use metal lids with vinegar)

Chop horseradish, garlic, onion, and ginger. Place them and cayenne in a quart jar, fill with apple cider vinegar. Cover with lid and shake well. Let it sit at room temperature for 4-6 weeks. Strain and add honey to taste. Store in a cool place. Your fire cider will keep for several months


Let's Not Forget The Weedy Wonders

The weedy wonders will be in your yard, country fields and many other places. Remember do not pick from areas that have been sprayed with chemicals, especially road sides!

Burdock, chickweed, cleavers, dandelion, nettle, plantain, st. Johns Wort, yellow dock. It would be great for you, your children and friends to get know these weedy wonders,they are full of nutrition most will be growing very close by..

Kitchen Aids For Cold and Flu:

Black pepper, chives, cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, ginger and horseradish.

Herbs, Gardens and an Understanding of Nature:

I am a big advocate of growing a garden and your own herbs. This very act is healing. It involves, watching nature, and moving within the seasons. By doing this, you gather more knowledge and an understanding about the herbs and food you have planted. When you grow and gather you are more likely to use you herbs and produce, therefore gathering demands that you create a person relationship with nature which in turn reduces stress and dis-ease. Remember start small !


Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health by, Rosemary Gladstar

The Herbal Home Remedy Book by, Joyce Wardwell

Where to purchase great quality herbs: Mountain Rose Herbs

Herbal Healing for Children by, Demetria Clark

Cold Sock Treatment: I have friends that swear by this one

The Cold Sock Treatment is a simple hydrotherapy technique that is especially effective for relieving nasal congestion in bed at night (frequently better than medications and without the side effects). It also helps to stimulate the immune system in the upper respiratory tract and is relaxing for aches and chills, and helps bring on a more restful night’s sleep when sick. We find it helpful in such conditions as colds, "flu" (not the "stomach flu"), earaches, sore throats, and sinus infections. It is useful with people of any age from infants to the elderly. The Cold Sock Treatment is especially good to use with the nasal congestion of colds and influenza.

Preparations. In the evening before going to bed, prepare by having a pair of cotton socks and a pair of wool socks. They must be at least 90% cotton and 90% wool, respectively. Most sporting goods stores and some department stores carry wool socks. For small children you can use safety-pins to hold a wool sock on that is too large, or rap wool cloth around each foot.

Step 1. Soak the foot part of the cotton socks in cold tap water and wring them out thoroughly. Place the socks close to the basin or bathtub used in the next step. Note: If your feet are already warm (e.g., you have already been in bed) you can skip to Step 3.

Step 2. Put your feet into a basin or bathtub of hot water to warm up your feet. Soak them for a few minutes until they are hot and pink.

Step 3. Remove your feet from the hot water and quickly dry them off. Immediately put on the cold wet cotton socks, and then over them, put on the dry wool socks.

Step 4. Go directly to bed and keep the feet covered through the night. The therapy does not work if you or your feet are uncovered, such as when walking around or sitting in a chair uncovered.

When the Cold Sock Treatment procedure is followed correctly the feet will start warming up within a few minutes of getting covered in bed. The congestion will usually start to be relieved within 30 minutes. It will often work better than a decongestant or antihistamine to relieve congestion during sleep. In addition, it is not uncommon to see a small child or infant fall immediately to sleep after they are put to bed with the Cold Sock Treatment. After approximately four hours the socks should be totally dry, the feet warm, and the symptoms will be much improved (if not gone).

If necessary the Cold Sock Treatment can be repeated through the night or used on consecutive nights. In repeating the treatment in the same night or if an illness starts during the night, it is not necessary to warm the feet in hot water since they will already be warm. Simply apply the wrung out cold wet socks and the dry wool socks and go back to bed.

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Comment by Jim Will on May 4, 2020 at 7:11am

Thank you Sue for this wonderful information.

Comment by Lydia Rozanski on April 25, 2020 at 10:12am

My! Thank you, I don't think I shall ever be sick again and my friends will recover rapidly from any sickness that has the nerve to bother them!

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