Lung Love Wellness Kit - Information For Those That Purchased

Immune System Support – Lung Love Wellness

Thank you for purchasing your Lung Love Wellness kit, you are on your way to becoming Mountain Strong with Mountain Mama Wellness products. This kit if full of herbal nourishment that will not only build and strengthen your respiratory system, but it will nourish your immune system.

Fall is here and our immune system benefits from the extra herbal support, especially now as the cold and seasonal transitions are taking place. Many of these recipes in your wellness kit contain adaptogenic herbal support and herbs that nurture the lungs. The adaptogentic herbs will boost the immune system and promote overall health.

Side note, if your diet consists of foods that are unhealthy, such as fast food, sugar, pop, artificial colors, artificial flavors, white flour, lack of veggies, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, to much screen time, unfiltered water, etc. then please realize to boost your immune system you also need to change unhealthy lifestyle habits, which would include unhealthy food choices. Honestly, if you want to avoid getting a cold/flu or respiratory illness you need to stop eating sugar, cane sugar. Sugar causes inflammation and viruses love inflamed bodies. No artificial sweeteners either!

It is also vitally important that you stop eating cold foods, it is time to eat foods that are warming to the body, like bone broths, soups, stews, stir fry, hot cereals, warm fruit, stir fry veggies or steamed veggies, hot herbal teas, no more ice cream, smoothies, and cold drinks.

The nights are getting chilly and the weather is getting cooler so bundle up! Get the hats and scarfs out, it is almost time. If it is getting chilly and you are not dressed right this makes your immune system work harder. I cannot tell you how many times I see people not wearing enough clothes when it starts getting cooler or even when it is cold, most of these people get sick often.

If you are someone who gets sick often, you really need to look at your diet, you are most likely eating foods that you should not be eating. Or you are eating the wrong type of diet, such as being a Vegan. I have watched vegans for many years and after a few years of eating this way they start having all kinds of problems, from emotional ones and/or getting sick all the time. So if you are someone who catches colds a lot you need to look at what you are not getting in your diet or you are eating foods that do not agree with your body. Yes, you can eat a healthy food and react to it. Peanuts are a great example of bad food reactions. Peanuts cause inflammation in most people.

Now that fall is here, you should think about taking a few supplements. This is what my family is taking, vitamin d, most people are deficient in vitamin d, cod liver oil (with no artificial flavors and tested for heavy metals), vitamin c, magnesium and lots of herbal products.

The lung love wellness kit is about building your immune system and nurturing your lungs. I decided to call it a lung love wellness kit, because pretty much everyone is wearing a mask for many hours, a ton of toxic chemicals are being used, (like hand sanitizers, bleach), and then the Oregon fires happened, which left out skies super smoky. All of this is super unhealthy for your respiratory system, which depletes your immune system.

The last thing is most people are super stressed ( I would say 98%) and when you are super stressed you forget to breathe. If you don’t breathe (lungs) you die, if you don’t breathe enough your body can’t get the oxygen (respiratory system) it needs, therefore it creates an unhealthy environment for your body, and this depletes your immune system. The herbal products that I created for this kit can help you feel rejuvenated. You also should add exercise, laughter, community, hydrotherapy, lots of veggies, warm healthy foods, herbal teas, and some deep breathing exercises

The Eternity Elixir, the Autumn Fire Cider and Mushroom Cocoa are nourishing tonics and will also help if you are feeling depleted, stressed and tired. The Autumn Fire Cider keeps your immune system in tip top shape during cold and flu months. There are many ways you can take the Autumn Fire Cider and there are directions on the back. I have a few more suggestions. One is if it is too spicy for you or you don’t want to take it 3 times a day, you can take ½ tablespoon per day as a general tonic, before a meal is best. If you feel yourself getting sick increase the dose to ½ tablespoon 3 times a day.

Here is one of my favorite ways to drink it. Especially good if you are feeling like you are coming down with something.
You will need:
1 quart jar
About 4 cups filtered or spring hot water
The juice of one lemon or lime
1 shot glass of Autumn Fire Cider
To Make
Put 1 shot glass full of Autumn Fire Cider in the quart jar
Next, put the juice of one fresh squeezed lemon or lime in the jar
Now fill the jar up with hot water.

The lung love tonic tea is a tonic for the respiratory system, soothing and can help strengthen your lungs. The Elecampane Citrus bitters will help get your digestion going. The moment you place a few drops or more on your tongue or in some warm water, it stimulates the production of saliva, gastric juices and pancreatic enzymes leading to improved digestion and metabolism. You can also use it shortly after a meal to help relieve any uncomfortable symptoms of overeating.

When you go through the recipes you will see there are a few with medicinal mushrooms, like Reishi. Reishi has many health benefits, and the reason why I added it to my recipes for this kit is it has an affinity for the lungs, it decreases susceptibility to bronchitis and strengthens respiratory function and oxygen utilization when taken as a daily tonic. Notice I said “when taken as a DAILY tonic” consistency is the key when you want to be healthy. If you suffer with weak lungs, I would like to suggest purchasing a Reishi Tincture and when you make your mushroom cocoa, add 30 drops. I personally like to take Reishi tincture 30 drops, 2 times a day. It also provides emotional and stress support for insomnia, anxiety and fatigue.

The Eucalyptus and Pine Vapor Balm will help clear your sinuses, easy congestion and headaches, relieve stress, feel refreshed and calm. You can rub it on your chest, forehead, temples, nose and pressure points. I like to put it on my chest and throat, to ease congestion, and sinus issues.
When I am working with congestion or sinus issues, I use a heating pad and a piece of flannel. Apply the vapor balm to the chest, upper back and throat, place a piece of flannel on top of your chest and then put the heating pad on top of that, this will increase the warming sensation and help you relax. If you are really congested, prop yourself up and drink a warm cup of Lung Love Tonic, a cup of fresh ginger tea and/or drink a warm cuppa fire cider tonic (recipe above). If you’ve had a stressful day try applying the vapor balm, flannel and heating pad it can do wonders. Make yourself a cuppa tea and you will rejuvenate your nervous system.

The Energizing Foot Soak is a wonderful way to end your day. You need a little tub that you can get your feet in, put 2 to 3 tablespoons in and fill with hot water. Make yourself a cuppa tea, put your feet in and sit back and relax. I like to soak for about 30 minutes. If you are congested, having sinus issues or stressed you can do the above treatment with the heating pad, do your foot soak and drink a cuppa herbal tea, it will make you feel rejuvenated. Side note, when using a heating pad (electricity) and a foot soak, don’t drop your heating pad in your tub of water. Just saying….

Your Lung Love Wellness Kit is full of love, it rejuvenates, it strengthens, it nourishes, it builds, and it feeds your heart with happiness.

I am not giving you medical advice and if you need medical attention please contact your physician. These products are a great way to help you feel rejuvenated. When you are rejuvenated you feel happier and at ease which helps build and strengthen your immune system.

None of these items have been tested on any animals, but they have been tested on the husband. All the items in your box have been taste tested and Bronson approved. All recipes have been provided.

Please keep your Eternity Elixir and Autumn Fire Cider in the refrigerator.

Thank you for your support and becoming Mountain Strong, with Mountain Mama Wellness products!

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Comment by suzanne sanders on October 5, 2020 at 1:24pm

Hi Melody, 

Shake, there should have been a label on the jar that shake well :) 

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